Live ticker: Stricter corona rules in Hesse – “Infection practically cannot be prevented”

  • conclude

  • Svenja Wallocha


The Hessian Corona cabinet meets today on the federal-state resolutions. Afterwards, Prime Minister Volker Bouffier will comment on the specific rules for Hesse.

  • At the Corona summit, the federal and state governments decided on new measures to combat pandemics.
  • The Hessian Corona Cabinet will meet on Friday (November 19, 2021).
  • Afterwards, Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) will comment on concrete steps in Hesse.

+++ Update ticker +++

+++ 6.45 p.m .: When asked, Prime Minister Volker Bouffier emphasized that Christmas markets would not be banned by the state. He stressed that different Christmas markets would be held in different places under different conditions. A uniform regulation makes “no sense”. It is true that “everyone has to take care of himself”.

There are no new rules for church services. Hessen has always refrained from making specifications: “This is due to our understanding between state and church.” When asked, Bouffier emphasizes that school employees have to present a daily test if they have not been vaccinated or have recovered. For school children, however, the mask requirement and tests every three days apply.

Live ticker: Stricter corona rules in Hesse – “Infection practically cannot be prevented”

+++ 6.40 p.m .: Minister Klose explains that the vaccination demand has been consistently low over the past few weeks. Since this is now increasing by leaps and bounds, the Green calls for solidarity with those whose vaccination protection is falling faster. These included Astrazeneca or Johnson & Johnson vaccinated people as well as the vulnerable groups. For all others, the rule is that their vaccination protection is sufficient for a total of six months since the complete immunization.

The intensive care patients are “almost exclusively unvaccinated”. It is important that various vaccination offers are made. Klose mentions doctors, mobile vaccination teams and ad hoc vaccination centers by name. The vaccination capacity is now 160,000 doses for the coming week, a total of 250,000 doses a week are targeted.

+++ 6:35 p.m .: Hesse’s health and social affairs minister, Kai Klose, speaks of a “collective effort” that is now needed to curb the developments of the past few weeks. There are currently 235 people in Hesse with corona in intensive care units, Klose assumes that this number will continue to increase. The Green politician is targeting those who have not been vaccinated to “give themselves a jolt”: “It is practically impossible to prevent you from becoming infected in the next few weeks.”

+++ 6.30 p.m .: An exception still applies to children under 6 who are allowed to accompany their parents everywhere, unvaccinated and untested, whereas children aged 12 to 18 require at least one test. 2G continues to apply to hotels and restaurants, and there should be an express exception for those who would have to stay in a hotel for “professional reasons”. For those, 3G applies with a daily test.

The most severe restriction is there again for younger people. According to Prime Minister Volker Bouffier, it is no longer enough to be vaccinated for discos and bars. In addition to 2G, a daily test must be submitted with immediate effect.

Live ticker: Stricter corona rules in Hesse – 2G indoors, 3G in local traffic

+++ 6:24 p.m .: Volker Bouffier also urges vaccinated people who have “good protection” to be “not careless”. That is why all Hessians, including those who have been vaccinated, should make use of the free citizen tests. “As a rule,” people who have been vaccinated are better protected, and their disease progression is mostly milder. For indoor areas in Hesse, 2G applies with immediate effect. Bouffier calls this a “general and drastic regulation” and points out that this naturally means restrictions for those who have not been vaccinated and those who have not yet recovered.

It’s different in working life: From now on, 3G applies here, emphasizes Bouffier. Anyone who has not been vaccinated or has recovered has to be vaccinated daily with an antigen test. 3G also applies to local public transport, said Bouffier. The Prime Minister has also announced significantly stricter controls to “better protect people” and to ensure “that rules are adhered to”. Bouffier also emphasizes that he has accepted Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer’s offer and requested the assistance of the Hessian armed forces.

3G also applies to all educational institutions, i.e. schools and colleges or universities. The mask requirement in the classrooms will continue to apply until Christmas. In the area of ​​events, nothing will change for the time being. Up to 25 people only general hygiene rules apply, beyond that “generally” 2G applies. Events with more than 1000 people require a permit and, if necessary, special hygiene concepts. In the area of ​​daily needs will not change.

Live ticker: Stricter corona rules in Hesse – PK with Prime Minister Bouffier

+++ 6.16pm: Volker Bouffier calls the new Corona law of the traffic light parties “not expedient”. Nevertheless, he agreed in the Federal Council, otherwise there would have been no more law to implement measures against the pandemic. The Prime Minister expects that the law will apply from “the middle of next week”.

Bouffier goes on to speak of a “very serious situation” that has to be braked, stopped and reversed. This would require a “significantly increased level of protection”, but everyday life should be maintained “as far as possible”.

+++ 6:05 p.m .: The press conference with Prime Minister Volker Bouffier should start soon. The CDU policy is currently a little delayed.

First report from 19.22.2021, 2.14 p.m .: Wiesbaden – The corona* -The situation in Germany is more dramatic than ever. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) also said this at the Corona summit with the federal and state governments on Thursday (November 18, 2021). Together with the prime ministers, new agreements for further protection against the virus were therefore decided.

Including a nationwide 2G rule and a partial vaccination requirement for certain professional groups. These measures must now be implemented in the countries – including in Hesse*.

Hesse: Corona cabinet meets on federal-state resolutions – Bouffier expresses himself

The Hessian Corona Cabinet therefore meets this Friday (November 19, 2021) on the federal-state resolutions for tougher corona measures. Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) wants to propose to the cabinet that the clear tightening of the rules for unvaccinated people and a corona vaccination obligation for employees in hospitals and nursing homes for Hesse be implemented.

Following the conference, the head of government wants to announce which concrete steps will be taken in the country to further protect the population from infection with the virus. The press conference with Prime Minister and Health Minister Kai Klose (Greens) is scheduled for Friday evening at 6 p.m.

Stricter corona rules are coming in Hesse: Bouffier criticizes the traffic light parties’ corona policy

Bouffier already had it right after that Corona summit on the current situation in Hesse and the resolutions* uttered. There was also criticism of the SPD, FDP and the Greens. The CDU politician accused the parties of making wrong decisions on how to deal with the corona pandemic on the basis of political calculations. With the end of the epidemic situation of national scope, a “fatal signal will be given to the population,” he said on Friday (November 19, 2021) when the Federal Council was discussing the new Infection Protection Act. Despite some improvements in the past few days, this is a law “that fits the current situation in Germany like a fist in the eye,” criticized Bouffier.

Hesse will nevertheless agree, since they are jointly responsible for protecting the population. It is good that the Prime Minister’s Conference on December 9th will speak again about the currently appropriate measures to contain the pandemic. The Bundestag decided on the plans of the SPD, FDP and the Greens on Thursday. They provide proof of vaccination, convalescence or a test (3G) at work, on buses and trains. The epidemic situation of national scope declared due to the corona pandemic is expected to end on November 25th. (svw with material from dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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