Live ticker: “Class party” in the Schanze – first pyros ignited

Unlike in the past two years, there are no longer any corona rules for the planned demonstrations on April 30 and May 1 in Hamburg. That means: Mask and minimum distance are only recommendations. The police are therefore preparing for the “old mode” for the traditional Hamburg protest days. The riot police and alarm groups are ready. A total of 24 events have been registered for Saturday and Sunday. Read the ticker to see how the demonstrations went on Saturday.

May demonstrations in Hamburg – so it goes on Sunday

10:55 p.m.: In the meantime, the area at Sternschanze station has emptied significantly. Here and there a few participants stand together in groups and talk. A peaceful event has come to an end.

Demonstrations are also planned in Hamburg for tomorrow, Sunday, May 1st. As early as Sunday noon, the alliance “Who has, who gives” wants to “board” HafenCity under the motto “We can no longer afford the rich”. Around 2,000 participants are expected to attend the demo, which will lead from the Elbphilharmonie to the Binnenalster. The left-wing Interventionist Left, among others, called for participation.

In the afternoon, the Red Structure, classified by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution as violent, calls for a demonstration. Under the motto “Capitalism is a pandemic, war and crisis – out to the revolutionary May 1st!”, it is to lead 500 participants from the Berliner Tor in the direction of Wandsbek. On Sunday evening, the “Black-Red May 1st” alliance wants to take to the streets in Wilhelmsburg with 500 participants under the motto “Forbidden Good – Anarchism on the Offensive”.

“Class Festival” is declared over

10:20 p.m.: The moderator thanks everyone present and asks: “Will you be there again next year?” The audience roars. And further: “But will you also be there tomorrow?! 4 p.m., Berlin Gate. A Anti Antikapitalista!” Rockets are fired, the crowd sings. “Everyone out tomorrow. I’m waiting for you all!” he says. The event is declared over. Dismantling follows. Many go.

“Class festival”: rap and chants

9:46 p.m.: “Reeperbahn Kareem”, rapper and social worker from St. Pauli, entered the stage to thunderous applause and demanded: “Cellphone out, lights!” Most of those present took out their cellphones and switched on the flashlight function. A smoke pot and hand torches are lit. Many rap along.

Rapper “Reeperbahn Kareem” at his performance.

Between the tracks you can hear “All of Hamburg hates the police” and again “1. May, clear the road, down with the police”. The mood doesn’t change, there’s a concert feeling here. The police are reluctant but ready.

Schanze “Class Festival”: Individual Pyros ignited

8:22 p.m.: Powerful basses are currently sounding through the Sternschanze at the “class festival”. The approximately 550 participants rock along to the German rap. At the same time, a few hand flares and some pyrotechnics were ignited. Nevertheless, the MOPO reporters on site continue to describe the mood as calm. In the background the chants “1. May, clear the road, down with the police” and “Alerta Alerta Antifaschista!” louder.

Participants at the
Participants at the “class festival” in the Sternschanze ignite a few pyros.

“Class festival”: Demonstrators praise the presence of the police

7:59 p.m.: Let’s continue with the next speeches at the “class party” at Sternschanze station. The event is slowly getting a little crowded, according to the police there are now 550 participants. Antifa activists are calling on those present to the big “revolutionary May Day” demo, which is scheduled to start at 4 p.m. on Sunday at the Berliner Tor S-Bahn station. The “class festival” is organized by Halil Simsek, representative of the “Red Construction”.

Antifa activists are calling on the participants to the big May Day demonstration on Sunday.
Antifa activists are calling on the participants to the big May Day demonstration on Sunday.

“Last year, we were banned from demonstrating on May Day, while factories and businesses continued as usual,” said the activists on stage. “Meanwhile, we couldn’t pay our rent anymore and the workers in the completely ruined health system didn’t get any recognition.”

However, they find words of praise for the current police presence. With their forces, they tend to stay in the background and do not actively stand next to the demonstrators. The mood is still relaxed.

“Manageable”: Demo ends as planned at Rathausmarkt

7:26 p.m.: The demo “For a Europe of people and not of corporations”, which started at 3 p.m. at the Landungsbrücken, ended as planned at around 6.30 p.m. at the Rathausmarkt. The initially just 64 participants ran across the Fischmarkt, Sievekingplatz, Gänsemarkt and Jungfernstieg. At the Rathausmarkt there were at least 84 demonstrators. As the police told MOPO, the situation was very manageable.

“Class party” in the Schanze: Atmosphere still calm

6:42 p.m.: Several German rap live performances are currently running at the “class festival” in the Schanze. According to MOPO reporters on site, the mood is still calm and relaxed. There are still around 250 to 300 people at Sternschanze station. The demonstration was registered by Halil Simsek, a representative of the “Red Structure” classified by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution as violent.

“Class party” in the Schanze. In the middle: organizer Halil Simsek.

In several speeches, the activists expressed their fear that the federal government was too actively involved in the war. They described their actions as “naive”. With these steps, Germany would further escalate things.

The police are ready with hundreds in the area. They are positioned at the Laeiszhalle and in the Karoviertel. The officers receive support from the Federal Police.

Walpurgis Night: First demos started in Hamburg

5:01 p.m.: According to the police, the demonstrations in the Schanze and at the Landungsbrücken are still calm. At the “Class Festival” at the Sternschanze train station, around 240 participants are currently cavorting, 300 were registered. The State Criminal Police Office expects up to 1000.

3:51 p.m.: It starts with the traditional protest days in Hamburg. The first two demonstrations started punctually at the Landungsbrücken and in the ski jump – according to the police situation service, the situation at both events is currently calm. The car traffic flowing around has not yet been affected by the protests.

Hamburg: prelude to Landungsbrücken and ski jump

1:36 p.m.: At 3 p.m. a lift starts at the Landungsbrücken, which was organized by a woman from the left-wing scene. However: According to police circles, she was noticed as a corona denier during the pandemic. Since then, she has also been viewed critically by left-wing like-minded people. The officials believe that there could be actions from the left-wing autonomous scene, but overall “assume there will be no problems,” said police spokeswoman Sandra Levgrün.

Also read: First May 1st after Corona: What the Hamburg police are preparing for

At the same time, the “class festival against state, capital” starts in the Schanze. The applicant for the demonstration is a representative of the Red Structure, which the Office for the Protection of the Constitution classifies as violent, Halil Simsek. 300 people are registered here, the State Criminal Police Office expects 1000.

A total of 24 events have been registered over the weekend in Hamburg, with five being the focus of the police. In addition to the above, there is the “revolutionary May 1st” demo, also organized by Simsek, the protest of the alliance “Who has the gives” by HafenCity and the demo “Verboten gut – Anarchismus on the offensive” in Wilhelmsburg. In the case of the latter two, the police do not necessarily assume that there is a general mood of violence, but they are still keeping an eye on them due to the expected size of 1000 people.

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