LIVE – Strike of November 10: new mobilization of the CGT, black day in Paris in transport

Reconquest calls for the abolition of subsidies for unions

Eric Zemmour’s party, Reconquest, shows its opposition to the strike. The party, along with several of its activists, tweeted the same image.

“Too many strikes, too many deadlocks… Let’s get rid of the public subsidy for unions,” it read.

The RATP executives’ union “understands” the strike but does not call for it

The CFE-CGC Groupe RATP, the group’s executives’ union, is not calling for a strike, “although it understands the demands” of the participants in the movement.

“Initiated by the union organizations of Metro and RER drivers”, the strike on Thursday “mainly concerns the working conditions of the driving category”, underlines the union on Twitter.

François Ruffin affirms that “what people ask for is to be able to live simply from their work”

François Ruffin, Nupes deputy from the Somme, asks the government to raise the level of the minimum wage and to index wages to inflation.

“What people are asking for is to be able to live simply from their work,” he said on Thursday on BFMTV, alongside strikers from Geodis, in Gennevilliers.

“There are some who stuff themselves upstairs while others tighten their belts downstairs”, denounces the deputy.

More than 30 metro stations closed on lines that circulate in Paris

This Thursday, Parisians find stations closed due to the strike movement affecting most metro lines. More than 30 stations are closed on lines that circulate, according to the RATP. Montparnasse Bienvenüe, Champs-Elysées Clémenceau and Miromesnil, for example, do not welcome travellers.

The complete list of closed stations can be found here.

“The watchword” of the RATP strike is “zero empathy” for the French, denounces Gabriel Attal

“The watchword for this strike at the RATP was ‘zero metro, zero RER'”, but also “zero empathy for all the French people I’m thinking of today, who couldn’t go to work, who have not been able to move, who may have had difficulty dropping their children off at school”, said the minister in charge of public accounts, Gabriel Attal, on RMC-BFMTV.

He recalls the increase this summer in the civil service index point decided by the government, recognizing a “difficult situation” due to inflation which “affects all French people”.

Disruptions in Strasbourg transport

The strike movement also affects transport in Strasbourg: traffic is disrupted on nearly 20 bus lines of the Compagnie des transports strasbourgeois. Others work normally.

The tram frequency is also changed. Details of the lines concerned can be found here.

Slow traffic on the Paris RER D

Due to a breakdown at the network manager’s facilities in Viry-Châtillon, RER D traffic is slowed down this Thursday morning from Juvisy to Corbeil-Essonnes, via Ris-Orangis and Evry C.

On foot or by car, the inhabitants of Nice forced to adapt their journey

Nice transport was also disrupted by the strike on Thursday morning, forcing many residents to use the car or even walk to work.

More than 330km of traffic jams in Ile-de-France

The public transport strike is causing major traffic jams on the roads of Ile-de-France this Thursday morning. At 8 a.m., Sytadin counted 338km of traffic jams.

Heavy crowds at Saint-Lazare station

In Saint-Lazare, where users expected to be able to take line 13 at peak times, traffic seems to have already been interrupted.

Few disturbances linked to the strike in Montpellier this Thursday morning

Few disruptions related to the strike were observed in public transport in Montpellier this Thursday morning. However, users expect complications in the afternoon.

290km of traffic jams in Ile-de-France at 7:45 a.m., an “unusual” level

Traffic on the roads of Ile-de-France is particularly dense on this day of interprofessional strike marked by major disruptions in public transport.

At 7:45 a.m., Sytadin identified 290km of traffic jams in the Ile-de-France region. An “unusual” level at this time, according to the traffic information site.

Transport users from the suburbs struggle to get to work

At Saint-Lazare station on Thursday, the first users of Ile-de-France transport struggled to find a way to get to their place of work: “There is no train, it’s a hassle. I called my boss, he comes to get me, he is understanding”, testified Aïcha on BFMTV.

Frédéric Souillot (FO) deplores the multiplication of “leapfrog” demonstration days

General secretary of FO, Frédéric Souillot will go this Thursday at 9:30 a.m. alongside the RATP strikers. On the other hand, he will not participate in the demonstration which will start at the beginning of the afternoon of République in Paris, direction Opéra, which is part of a day of national and interprofessional mobilization at the call of the only CGT recently decided.

Frédéric Souillot has indeed castigated the multiplication of “leapfrog” demonstration days, believing that this strategy “not only is it counterproductive, secondly it does little to move things, thirdly it wears out the troops”.

Carpooling requests up 25%

With the major disruptions planned in public transport in the Paris region and in other cities in response to the call for a strike by the CGT for this Thursday, November 10, the French are looking for alternative solutions.

The Blablacar Daily carpooling platform thus recorded a 25% increase on Wednesday in home-to-work carpooling requests compared to last week.

Strike at the RATP: the detail of the disturbances line by line takes stock of the disruptions to be expected in the Paris metro.

Five stationary lines
It will be difficult to travel by metro this Thursday in the capital. In all, 5 metro lines will be completely closed all day: lines 2, 8, 10, 11 and 12.

Partial circulation
The other lines will be idling and will run only during rush hours in the morning from 7:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and in the afternoon from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

>> Our full article

What disruptions to expect this Thursday?

The CGT calls this Thursday for a day of interprofessional and national mobilization. Disruptions are to be expected in certain sectors, in particular transport. takes stock in this article of what to expect.

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Welcome to this direct dedicated to the follow-up of the interprofessional mobilization day of November 10, 2022.

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