Live, riots in New Caledonia: the state of emergency will come into force “from 8 p.m., Paris time” – Le Monde

  1. Live, riots in New Caledonia: the state of emergency will come into force “from 8 p.m., Paris time”  The world
  2. TESTIMONY. “We set up barricades with what we found”: in New Caledonia, riots and a “surreal atmosphere”  France 3 Regions
  3. Riots in New Caledonia. “The population is going through hell, it’s war! », a Haut-Savoyarde testifies  The Dauphiné Libéré
  4. “I never thought I would experience this. It’s horrible”: people from Marseillais living in New Caledonia say  Provence
  5. “Some brought machetes to defend themselves”: faced with the violence of young rioters, Caledonians barricaded themselves  Le Figaro

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