LIVE – Presidential: traveling in Normandy, Éric Zemmour appears with Nicolas Bay, ex-RN

In Normandy, Éric Zemmour goes to meet fishermen, before an outdoor meeting

Éric Zemmour began his day in Normandy on Saturday with an early meeting with fishermen from Port-en-Bessin to discuss the impact of Brexit, the administrative difficulties and the wind turbines that he considers “ugly” and “useless”, on land and sea.

Coming down from a boat called “Le grand Charles”, the candidate told the fishermen that they were stuck between “the greens of the extremist leftists” and the “technocratic” government. “You have to defend your means of subsistence but also an art of living. It’s a question of civilization,” he added.

Éric Zemmour alongside Nicolas Bay and Guillaume Peltier in Normandy

The candidate of Reconquest! Presidential Éric Zemmour has arrived in Normandy, where he is to hold an outdoor meeting at midday.

He is accompanied by Nicolas Bay, ex-RN executive who joined him this week, and Guillaume Peltier, ex-LR.

“They made this accusation to smear me”: Bay denies having transmitted confidential information to Zemmour

The vice-president of Reconquest and ex-executive Rassemblement national spoke this Saturday on France Interabout the accusations of his former party, which accuses him of having “transmitted strategic and confidential elements” to Éric Zemmour, a “sabotage” which he disputes.

“It is not because we know someone that we send them confidential information. It is public knowledge that Marine Le Pen had methodically excluded me from most of the leadership bodies of the movement”, he defended himself.

“I had no confidential information. They made this accusation to smear me, I don’t find it very elegant”, castigates the one who filed a defamation complaint against the RN.

Nicolas Bay looks back on his departure from the RN: “The one who defends the convictions in which I believe in the clearest, most effective and also the most unifying way is Éric Zemmour”

guest on France Inter this Saturday, Nicolas Bay, ex-executive of the National Rally and now vice-president of Reconquest, returned to his rallying to Éric Zemmour. “I took the time to reflect. Three weeks ago during a trip with Marine Le Pen to Madrid, I said that I supported her but that I wondered because I saw a lot of National Rally voters turn to Éric Zemmour“, he explained.

“I observed this campaign noting that the one who defended the convictions in which I believe in the clearest, most effective and also the most unifying way was Éric Zemmour,” he said.

“Marine Le Pen, if she wants to bring the French together, she must be able to bring her own camp together,” he said, referring in particular to the departures of Marion Maréchal and Florian Philippot.

“By dint of showing the exit to everyone, it strengthens its competitor,” he assured.

During his meeting in Isère on Friday, Marine Le Pen’s charge against Éric Zemmour and Emmanuel Macron

Marine Le Pen assured Friday evening in Vienne (Isère) that her candidacy was “the only one” capable of beating Emmanuel Macron, while several elected members of the National Rally, including a leading member, have joined his rival Eric Zemmour in recent weeks.

“My candidacy is today the only one capable of leading to the defeat of Emmanuel Macron”, affirmed the candidate of the RN in front of some 700 activists who shouted “Marine president” or “we are at home”.

“A presidential election is not a reality TV game. We do not only intend to testify but to act, we do not only intend to be the interpreters of French nostalgia but to invent and build the France of tomorrow”, added Marine Le Pen in an allusion to Éric Zemmour who comes close to her, even slightly exceeds her in a last poll.

> Our complete paper can be found HERE.

“Show of force”, “impressive combativeness”: the praise of Pécresse’s supporters, after his meeting in Cannet

After a very difficult week, Valérie Pécresse tried to relaunch herself in a meeting organized in Le Cannet (Alpes-Maritimes). While she had been criticized by some tenors of the Republicans, her supporters are full of praise for her.

“Tonight in the Alpes-Maritimes, Valérie Pécresse made a show of force. She will be the next president of France”, wrote Éric Ciotti on Twitter shortly after the end of the meeting.

Geoffroy Didier, its communications director, also shared a message on social networks. “After the doubts knowingly relayed on the Zénith meeting, Valérie Pécresse demonstrated this evening, without notes or teleprompter, her impressive combativeness and her vision of a strong and daring France”, he declares as well.

> Our full article can be found HERE.

After her highly criticized meeting at the Zénith de Paris, Valérie Pécresse is relaunching at Le Cannet

After a highly criticized meeting at the Zenith in Paris, Valérie Pécresse was in Cannet (Alpes-Maritimes) to relaunch her campaign this Friday evening. Without surprising on the bottom and the proposals, it evolved on the form.

On stage, she said she was “the target of all criticism”. A sentence that follows the many admonitions, including in his own camp, to his performance last week. She thus deplored the “ball of the hypocrites”, as well as an “unhealthy game of LaREM to raise the extremes”, so as to “guarantee the re-election of Macron”.

> Our full article on metting can be found HERE.

Presidential: Éric Zemmour will appear with Nicolas Bay, his new war prize from the RN, in Normandy

The day after the meetings of Valérie Pécresse and Marine Le Pen, the far-right candidate Éric Zemmour will appear this Saturday in Normandy with his new war prize from the RN, Nicolas Bay, during an outdoor meeting near of Mont Saint-Michel.

50 days before the presidential election, the three competitors are engaged in a fierce fight on the right and find themselves in a pocket handkerchief in the polls, around 15%, far behind Emmanuel Macron.

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