LIVE – Pensions: Besancenot wants the government to “take its project and throw it in the trash”

Universities call for blocking

Several youth organizations and student unions “call for everything to be done to widely mobilize young people. In particular by voting in a general assembly to block our places of study, high schools, universities, on February 7” can we read in a joint statement.

“From now on, we call to join the strikes and demonstrations of February 7 and 11” they continue.

An MP calls for “setting an example” by abolishing the special regime for parliamentarians

“We have an article 1 in the text submitted to us, which extinguishes five special regimes”, such as EDF, the RATP or the Banque de France. “This is inconsistent: why these five special diets [mais pas] the others, including that of parliamentarians?” Asks MP Charles de Courson (Liot) on BFMTV.

“We must set an example: we cannot ask our fellow citizens to make efforts without applying them to ourselves,” says the deputy from Marne.

“The regime for deputies has been reformed twice to bring it closer” to the general regime and it is “not very far from it”, but that of senators is “still very far” from the general regime, he notes. “We cannot maintain this, otherwise we are fueling anti-parliamentarianism”.

More information here.

Air traffic controllers join February 7 strike

The USAC-CGT air traffic controllers union filed a notice for Tuesday, February 7, in the same way as the SNCF and the RATP.

During the last days of action in the air sector (January 19 and 31), civil aviation had asked companies to reduce the number of flights at Orly by 20%.

Working as a waiter until age 64? “No”, it is not possible, according to Thierry Marx

Can one work as a waiter until the age of 64? “No, I don’t think so,” said chef Thierry Marx, president of Umih, on Franceinfo. Some people “have to leave a little earlier than others” because of the difficulty, he says.

“We will fight” for the hotel and catering industry to be included in the difficult professions, assures Thierry Marx, calling for considering musculoskeletal disorders as a criterion of hardship.

Olivier Besancenot calls for a “national demonstration”

Olivier Besancenot calls for a national demonstration, i.e. a mobilization of demonstrators in the same place, rather than throughout France.

“It’s not the same atmosphere if there are 2 million in the street in France or 2 million in Paris”, he justifies.

Bruno Le Maire: “The principle of solidarity between generations is fair and non-negotiable

Instead of maintaining this reform, why not imagine a new system? “We can, but that does not mean giving up what we are”, reacted on LCI Bruno Le Maire.

“There is a principle of solidarity between generations. It is fair and it is not negotiable. There is a risk of thinking only of oneself”, declared the Minister of Economy.

Olivier Besancenot: “The goal is for the government to take its project and throw it in the trash”

“The goal is to win, the goal is for the government to take its project and throw it in the trash,” says Olivier Besancenot regarding the government’s pension reform.

“We can win, we must win and we will win,” said the spokesperson for the New Anti-Capitalist Party on BFMTV-RMC.

Bruno Le Maire: “We cannot keep generous systems without financing them”

Invited by LCI, Bruno Le Maire defends the preservation of the pay-as-you-go system, specifying that “we cannot keep it if it is in deficit”.

“To say that we can keep generous systems without financing them would be to mislead the French,” said the Minister of the Economy.

Bruno Le Maire recalls that it is a question of achieving financial balance in 2030.

“We will not be able to convince those who think that we must increase taxes or those who say that the debt is not serious”.

François Hommeril (CFE-CGC): Opinion turns against the government when it talks about pedagogy

“Each time the government says it is going to do pedagogy, it turns public opinion against it a little more,” said François Hommeril, confederal president of the CFE-CGC this morning at the microphone of Europe 1 then that he was questioned on the subject of pensions.

He also notes that the government is in a very poor position to talk about false information.

Olivier Besancenot calls on the left for “the broadest unity” against pension reform

Olivier Besancenot calls for “the broadest unity, including of the social and political left”.

According to him, “there is a historic chance for the left to rebound”.

“We would be entitled to expect a compact unity between the social left and the political left,” he says.

He calls for “a unitary meeting of the entire left”, ranging from “Nathalie Arthaud (Force Ouvrière) to Olivier Faure (Socialist Party)”.

Mobilization of January 31: Olivier Besancenot salutes one of the “most important demonstrations for 30 years”

Guest of BFMTV-RMC, Olivier Besancenot welcomes a “demonstration which is one of the most important for 30 years”, after Tuesday’s mobilization against the pension reform.

Certainly, “the rate of strikers is a little lower in certain sectors”, recognizes the spokesman of the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA). But there are “significant strike rates” in the private sector, he underlines.

Borne received Ciotti and Marleix at Matignon to continue negotiating with the right

Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne received at Matignon this Wednesday Éric Ciotti and Olivier Marleix, respectively leader of the Les Républicains (LR) party and patron of the deputies of this party.

Objective: to continue to negotiate. The central point of the discussions revolves around long careers. The Republicans want all those who started working early to be able to leave after 43 years of work, without waiting for 64 years.

The pension reform weighs heavily on the morale of the French

Already anxious about the economic and geopolitical situation, the French see the pension reform as a new blow. Economic morale in February fell to its lowest level in two years with 79% “defiant” in the future, notes the latest edition of the Odoxa-AGIPI-Challenges-BFM Business Economic Barometer.

Elisabeth Borne speaks this evening on France 2 to convince

Faced with growing opposition to her pension reform, Élisabeth Borne explains Thursday evening on France 2 on the meaning of her project, which she defends as “fair” even if it requires an “effort”, as much as on her strategy .

The Prime Minister will be questioned for 35 minutes but will not participate in the debate that will follow.

She intends “to continue to explain this reform, to recall why it is essential to save the pension system”, according to those around her, while being “aware of what working gradually longer represents for the French”.

Édouard Philippe guest of BFMTV at 6:50 p.m.

In the midst of a debate on pension reform, the former Prime Minister speaks on the text of the government of Elisabeth Borne at the microphone of Bruce Toussaint at 6:50 p.m.

>>Find more information about this interview in our brief

Edouard Philippe will be the exceptional guest of Bruce Toussaint on February 2 at 6:50 p.m. © BFMTV

2 out of 3 French people want the mobilization against the reform to continue

The new Elabe poll “L’Opinion en direct” for BFMTV, published on Wednesday, shows that opposition to pension reform among the French population is still very strong: 71% of French people are against it, against 72% the Last week.

>>Find the different trends in our article

End of debates in committee at the Assembly, nearly 5,000 amendments not examined

Barely two articles examined and thousands of amendments pending: a small part of the pension reform was examined by the deputies at the end of its passage in committee on Wednesday, a prelude to its arrival on Monday in the hemicycle.

Between tension, weariness and hubbub, the members of the Social Affairs Committee, meeting since Monday morning, finished their work with 4,997 amendments remaining, far from article 7 which provides for the postponement of the legal age to 64.

>>More information in our article

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