LIVE – Ocean Viking: 600 people mobilized to welcome migrants according to the prefect

For the director of France Terre d’Asile, the Italian and French extreme right “play divisions”

Delphine Rouilleault, director general of France Terre d’asile, refuted the intervention of the far-right parliamentarian: “‘Reconquête’ is Giorgia Meloni’s ally in this adventure”, she launched in reference to the President of the Italian Council.

“The Italian and French extreme right plays on these divisions,” she further observed.

For Stéphane Ravier, Emmanuel Macron is “the president of mass immigration and the great replacement”

The far-right parliamentarian continued, taunting the head of state. “He is the president of mass immigration and the great replacement”, thus dropped Stéphane Ravier.

“We try to reassure people with speeches never followed through,” the senator lamented again.

Stéphane Ravier, “Reconquest” senator, makes the Ocean Viking “the vanguard of the great landing” and “of the great replacement”

From a car, en route to the ceremonies of November 11, Stéphane Ravier, senator of Eric Zemmour’s “Reconquest” and ex-RN, commented on the situation on our antenna. He saw in the arrival of the Ocean Viking in Toulon the fruit of an “unbearable” immigration policy.

He then wanted to “denounce a strong symbol”: “This boat is the vanguard of the great landing, the consequence of the great replacement”. “It was urgent to save these illegal immigrants from drowning”, he however conceded: “But the boat should have headed north, towards Africa to bring these illegal immigrants to safety”.

Support, transport and examination of asylum applications: the prefect describes a reception in three phases

Prefect Evence Richard placed the operation under “three concerns”: “a concern for dignity and humanity but also a concern for security and finally for rigor and firmness”. He then detailed it, dividing it into three phases.

“First, a health assessment will be carried out by the SDIS and the Samu. Then, the customs and air and border police services will notify the placement in the waiting area, then a phase purely logistical transport to the peninsula of Giens. Finally, a third stage, on arrival on the peninsula, with permanent medical teams”, he listed.

“This stay will allow the examination of asylum applications in the accelerated procedure”, he resumed: “This phase will begin but will be spread over several days. The center of the Giens peninsula is intended to remain open about 20 days.

600 civil servants mobilized, law enforcement and health personnel: the prefect’s update on the resources mobilized

While the 230 migrants from the Ocean Viking were able to make landfall and the ground in the port of Toulon this morning at 8:50 a.m., the local prefect, Evence Richard, gave an update to the press. He first mentioned the significant resources mobilized by the State for the event:

“To organize and ensure their care, the State services have mobilized nearly 600 people. First at the level of the police and security forces, about 240 civil servants to guard the accommodation site, 125 members of the Air and Border Police, 38 customs officers, staff from the DDSP, the Var and Alpes-Maritimes gendarmerie”, he listed.

In the medical register, the senior official reported, among other things, the presence of the SDIS and the Samu. “Finally, to ensure all the formalities, civil servants, agents of the prefecture, OFPRA and OFFI staff have also been mobilized”, added Evence Richard.

The Secretary of State for Europe deplores the “break in confidence” with Italy

Laurence Boone, Secretary of State in charge of European Affairs, was the guest of franceinfo this morning. She also castigated the Italian position: “The current Italian government has not respected the European mechanism to which it was committed (according to a treaty signed by the previous executive, editor’s note)”.

“There is a breach of trust because there is a unilateral decision which puts lives in danger and is not in accordance with international law”, she continued.

The “error” of the Meloni government: what the Italian press is saying this morning

In duplex on our antenna, Andrea Bonanni, columnist at La Repubblica (anchored in the Italian center left) took stock of what the press in his country was saying about the current event this morning.

“It is above all the crisis with France that is making the headlines. Undiplomatic words have been exchanged on both sides”, he remarked, before adding: “Most of the comments relate on what is called the ‘error’ of the new Italian government. They wanted to divert attention from the major problems they have to face.”

As for the retaliatory measures brandished by Gérald Darmanin, on the other hand, they do not seem to strike Italian minds too much. “The migrant relocation agreement never really worked,” said Andrea Bonanni. .

Italian television follows the arrival of the Ocean Viking in Toulon live

While the Italian government, strongly reprimanded Thursday by the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin when he announced the opening of the port of Toulon to the Ocean Viking, said its “incomprehension” in front of the French reaction, public television transalpine is closely following the arrival of the Ocean Viking in the harbour.

And especially live, as noted above, the correspondent of The cross in Italy, Loup Besmond de Senneville.

The Ocean Viking has arrived in the harbor of Toulon

It’s the end of a long journey of three weeks, and a tense showdown between France and Italy. This morning, around 8:30 a.m., the Ocean Viking, with 230 migrants still on board, arrived in the harbor of Toulon. Disembarkation took place at 8.50 a.m. Among them are 57 children. In addition, three migrants and one of their companions from the NGO SOS Méditerranée, which charters the ship, were exfiltrated yesterday to Bastia hospital for health reasons.

Among them are 57 children. In addition, three migrants and one of their companions from the NGO SOS Méditerranée which charters the ship were exfiltrated yesterday to Bastia hospital for health reasons. The arrival of the boat in the Var port in image, above.

Migrants will be welcomed in a holiday village on the Giens peninsula

We know more about the accommodation solution found for the reception of migrants from the Ocean Viking in Toulon. According to information from BFM Toulon from a police source confirmed by a political source, the refugees will be escorted to the Giens peninsula in the Belambra holiday village.

They will be escorted by bus by the national police. This is the place that was chosen as the waiting area.

“Macron once again betrays his word”: Éric Ciotti denounces “a gross fault” of the government

Guest of the morning of RMC, the candidate for the presidency of the Republicans Éric Ciotti was indignant at the reception of the Ocean Viking and its 234 passengers in the port of Toulon, pointing to a person in charge: Emmanuel Macron.

“President Macron, a few years ago with the Aquarius, said that we should not show good feelings and show firmness. This is a very serious mistake on the part of the French government”, said he launched.

“Emmanuel Macron is once again betraying his word. It is a signal of migratory laxity which is taking a new step today,” he concluded.

The Ocean Viking a few kilometers from the harbor of Toulon

The humanitarian ship must arrive in the next hour in the harbor of Toulon. At the last tally, the Ocean Viking was located off the Saint-Mandrier peninsula.

The map locating the Ocean Viking vessel © VesselFinder

Two thirds of migrants must be relocated to 9 European countries

While the Ocean Viking is due to land this Friday in the military port of Toulon, nine European countries have already indicated that they will welcome two thirds of the 234 passengers.

Germany must in particular accommodate more than 80 people. Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal, Luxembourg and Ireland also volunteered, in the name of “European solidarity”.

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How will the arrival of the ship unfold?

This morning, from 8 a.m., the Ocean Viking and its 234 passengers, including several dozen children, must land in the military port of Toulon, in the Var.

Upon their arrival, people will be placed in a “waiting zone”, which will allow the authorities to control the arrivals without however authorizing them to disembark on French territory.

Gérald Darmanin also indicated Thursday evening that migrants will be subjected to a medical examination, but also to an interview with the DGSI, “to see if there are no dangerous people”.

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