LIVE – May 8 commemorations: follow Emmanuel Macron’s speech in tribute to Jean Moulin

Emmanuel Macron visits the former cell of resistance fighter Jean Moulin in Lyon

The President of the Republic visited the cell of Jean Moulin, imprisoned in the Montluc prison from June 21, 1943, as part of his visit to Lyon in tribute to the resistant.

Emmanuel Macron in the cell where the resistance fighter Jean Moulin was imprisoned, in the Montluc prison, which has since become a memorial, in Lyon, on May 8, 2023, during a visit by a man to the resistance fighter. © BFM TV

The President of the Republic also visited the cell of the Jewish historian Marc Bloch.

Emmanuel Macron arrived at Montluc prison, where Jean Moulin was detained

The President of the Republic arrived at the site of the National Memorial of the Montluc prison, where Jean Moulin was detained.

He laid a wreath of flowers at the entrance to the former prison before meditating in front of a commemorative plaque, to the sound of the ringtone for the dead, the Marseillaise and the Chant des partisans.

Emmanuel Macron arrives in Lyon, where he must pay tribute to Jean Moulin

The President of the Republic landed at Lyon-Bron airport, from where he must go to the National Memorial of the Montluc prison, where the resistant Jean Moulin was detained before being deported.

Emmanuel Macron must lay a wreath of flowers at the Memorial, during a ceremony in tribute to the internees.

After the ceremony at the Arc de Triomphe, Emmanuel Macron takes the direction of Lyon

After the Parisian ceremony, the Head of State will go to Lyon to continue the commemorations.

His movement is under close surveillance after the ban on the CGT demonstration. Seized by the union, the administrative justice did not overturn the prefectural decree.

Emmanuel Macron completes the Arc de Triomphe ceremony

The president is shaking hands and exchanging a few words with people present at Place Charles-de-Gaulle in Paris. They are guests, including middle school students, high school students, associations…

Gatherings around the Champs-Élysées being prohibited, the president descended without onlookers.

Emmanuel Macron salutes the political and military authorities

The president now goes to meet political figures.

He spoke with Nicolas Sarkozy before shaking hands with Sébastien Lecornu, the Minister of Defence.

Minister Bérangère Couillard welcomed to the sound of saucepans for a commemoration

The Secretary of State for Ecology was greeted by demonstrators in Pessac (Gironde) on her way to a May 8 commemoration.

Bérangère Couillard had already had to cancel part of a trip to Rocherfort for “security reasons”.

May 8: Salute to the flame committee and flag bearers for Emmanuel Macron

The Head of State now greets the committee of the flame and the flag bearers.

After the rekindling of the flame, the Marseillaise and the Chant des Partisans are sung

After rekindling the flame under the Arc de Triomphe alongside General Saint-Chalas, a Marseillaise and a Chant des Partisans are sung.

The Head of State lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Emmanuel Macron laid a wreath of flowers under the Arc de Triomphe before rekindling the flame in front of the tomb of the unknown soldier.

Emmanuel Macron arrives in front of the Arc de Triomphe

The President of the Republic has just arrived at the top of the Champs-Élysées. The Head of State will then lay a wreath of flowers under the Arc de Triomphe where the tomb of the Unknown Soldier is located.

Emmanuel Macron goes up the Champs-Élysées by car

After paying tribute to General de Gaulle, the president is going up the Champs-Élysées to head towards the Arc de Triomphe.

It is escorted by 140 horses and 28 motorcyclists from the motorcycling squadron.

Emmanuel Macron pays tribute to Charles de Gaulle

The president has just arrived on the Champs-Élysées and begins to pay homage to General de Gaulle by laying a wreath of flowers before collecting his thoughts.

The bell for the dead sounded first, before being followed by a Marseillaise.

May 8 ceremony: gatherings prohibited near the Champs-Élysées

The Paris police headquarters has banned any gathering near the Champs-Élysées for the arrival of Emmanuel Macron as part of the commemorations.

The arrival of the president is imminent.

Demonstration in Lyon: administrative justice confirms the ban on assembly

The CGT had filed an appeal before the administrative court after the decision by the prefecture to ban any demonstration during the visit of Emmanuel Macron to Lyon on Monday.

Administrative justice agreed with the prefecture.

We’ll explaine everything here.

A first ceremony at the Arc de Triomphe

To commemorate the end of the Second World War, Emmanuel Macron will first lay a wreath in front of the statue of General de Gaulle at the bottom of the Champs-Élysées at 10:35 a.m.

The Head of State will then go up the avenue with the large mixed escort of the Republican Guard.

Finally, the president will join the Arc de Triomphe at 11 a.m. to lay a wreath, rekindle the flame of the unknown soldier before proceeding to a minute of silence in front of his grave. He will be accompanied by Elisabeth Borne.

The president will then go to Lyon, in the Montluc district for a tribute to Jean Moulin.

“It’s Emmanuel Macron who is targeted, not Jean Moulin”: Manon Aubry defends pan concerts

“Today if we demonstrate, it is Emmanuel Macron who is targeted, it is absolutely not Jean Moulin”, advanced LFI MEP Manon Aubry this Monday morning on France info.

Demonstrations against the pension reform have been banned in Paris as in Lyon for the ceremonies of May 8.

“If Emmanuel Macron Macron goes out in the street and thinks it will be fine… As soon as he goes out in the street, there will be massive social protests as long as the reform is not withdrawn”, further indicated Manon Aubrey.

Pan concert on May 8: “every moment is useful to express yourself”, judge Danièle Obono

The CGT has called for demonstrations this Thursday afternoon in the Montluc district where Emmanuel Macron is going for a tribute to Jean Moulin, after the laying of a wreath under the Arc de Triomphe. Macronie called for respect for a “moment of national unity”.

“All moments are useful for expressing oneself”, judged LFI MP Danièle Obono at the microphone of Sud radio.

“We fought against Nazism to defend the right of expression and it is honoring May 8 to exercise fundamental freedoms. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that there is a day when we cannot use our fundamental freedoms”, further advanced the rebellious.

For Bruno Le Maire, May 8 must “remain a moment of national unity”

“Leave Jean Moulin where he is”. Guest of the show BFM Politics this Sunday, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire defended the ban on demonstrations decided in Lyon in the Montluc districtwhere Emmanuel Macron is due to go on Monday as part of the May 8 commemorations.

“The freedom to demonstrate is total in our country. It does not exclude respect for the capitulation of Nazi Germany on May 8, 1945”, reacted the minister on the set of BFMTV.

Appeal by the CGT du Rhône against the ban on demonstrations in Lyon

The CGT du Rhône announced on Sunday the imminent filing of an appeal against the establishment of a perimeter banning demonstrations during the visit of President Emmanuel Macron scheduled for Monday in Lyon.

The CGT departmental union of the Rhône and the metropolis of Lyon had called for a rally to commemorate the social heritage of the Resistance on May 8 near the site where the President of the Republic is to go, in the district of Montluc .

But this gathering cannot take place, the prefecture of the Rhône having announced on Friday the establishment of a security perimeter with, in particular, the prohibition of “processions, parades and protest rallies”.

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Macron on the Champs-Elysées and in Lyon for a tribute to Jean Moulin under high security

Emmanuel Macron pays tribute to Jean Moulin and the Resistance, Monday in Lyon, after the traditional Victory ceremony at the Arc de Triomphe, commemorations under high security in the face of new demonstrations expected against the Head of State.

As with every celebration of the victory over Nazi Germany, on May 8, 1945, the Head of State will go up the Champs-Elysées in Paris, accompanied by the large escort of the Republican Guard, on horseback and motorized.

Then, he must join the Arc de Triomphe at 11 a.m. for the laying of the wreath, the rekindling of the flame and the minute of silence in front of the tomb of the unknown soldier, in the presence of Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne.

Faced with the risk of “casserolades”, recurrent since the adoption of the pension reform, all gatherings have been banned near the Champs-Elysées.

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