LIVE – Israel-Gaza: the Israeli army carried out a new incursion into the center of the Gaza Strip

Dominique de Villepin judges that “the biggest job” is to “help Israel move beyond this military response”

“I believe that the biggest job today is for European countries and the United States to help Israel move beyond this military response,” said Dominique de Villepin on BFMTV-RMC.

Dominique de Villepin calls for “not to confuse the Palestinians with Hamas”

“We must not confuse the Palestinians with Hamas,” says Dominique de Villepin on BFMTV-RMC. The former Prime Minister of Jacques Chirac calls for “a measured” and “targeted” response to Gaza.

Dominique de Villepin believes that “Hamas set a trap for us”

“Hamas set a trap for us,” said Dominique de Villepin on BFMTV-RMC. “This trap is that of maximum horror”, “it is the risk of a spiral of militarism (…) as if we could with armies resolve a problem as serious as that of the Palestinian question “.

Dominique de Villepin evokes “an emotional abyss” on the conflict between Israel and Hamas

“We are facing an emotional abyss,” declared former Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin on BFMTV-RMC.

“Faced with the horror of October 7, there is today the feeling of an existential threat for every Israeli (…) and the bombings that we see on Gaza leave little hope for most of the civilian populations of Gaza”, said the man who was also Minister of Foreign Affairs.

224 light projectors in Jerusalem in tribute to the hostages

In Jerusalem, Israel, 224 light projectors were lit into the sky yesterday evening in tribute to the 224 people believed to have been held hostage by Hamas in Gaza since October 7. Portraits of missing people accompany each spotlight.

224 light projectors in tribute to the Hamas hostages, in Jerusalem, Israel, October 26, 2023 © Ahmad GHARABLI / AFP
224 light projectors in tribute to Hamas hostages, in Jerusalem, Israel, October 26, 2023
224 light projectors in tribute to the Hamas hostages, in Jerusalem, Israel, October 26, 2023 © Ahmad GHARABLI / AFP

Catherine Colonna indicates that the ship “Tonnerre” will “perhaps be in the area at the end of the week”

The arrival of the French ship Tonnerre in Gaza is “a matter of a few days”, indicates Catherine Colonna on RTL this Friday. “I think he will perhaps be in the area at the end of the week,” said the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs.

The “Tonnerre”, which left Toulon on Wednesday, must participate in relief operations for the civilian populations of the Palestinian territory.

“The operational modalities are being defined with our colleagues from the Armed Forces,” said Catherine Colonna.

Catherine Colonna talks about 170 French people in Gaza, whose government wants to “ensure protection”

On RTL, Catherine Colonna indicates that “any military operation” by Israel “can have consequences” for the French hostages, but also “for the French who are in Gaza”.

“If we count our compatriots, their families, but also the agents of France – we have a French cultural institute in Gaza – that makes around 170 people whose protection we want to ensure,” lists the Minister of Europe and Affairs foreign.

French people missing: Catherine Colonna shares “proof of life”

“We have 9 compatriots who have disappeared, of whom we have no precise news, except that we know for some of them that they were taken hostage”, declared Catherine Colonna on RTL this Friday.

“There was proof of life, and there is information that we share between the authorities,” specifies the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs.

More information here.

Hostages: Catherine Colonna “urgently” calls for “the release of our people”

“It is a priority for France to obtain the release of our people,” reaffirms Catherine Colonna on RTL this Friday.

“It’s normal, but we are asking it urgently,” explains the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs.

Catherine Colonna judges that Israel has the “right to defend itself” but “with respect for international law”

“Israel, like any state, has the right to defend itself”, but it must “do so in compliance with international law”, said Catherine Colonna, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, on RTL this Friday.

“Targeted operations are not the same thing as massive indiscriminate operations, which would seriously affect the population,” she emphasizes.

Israeli army strikes ‘dozens of Hamas targets’ in central Gaza Strip

The Israeli army indicated on social networks that it had struck “dozens of Hamas targets” in the center of the Gaza Strip, in the Sajaia neighborhood.

The IDF notably targeted, using infantry forces, armored vehicles and combat helicopters, “anti-tank missile launch positions and operational headquarters”, and the Israeli army suffered “no losses “.

>> Our full article can be read here.

Hamas’s impressive arsenal recovered by the IDF

BFMTV was able to access an Israeli army disarmament unit in the Ashkelon region. Since the October 7 attacks, the IDF has recovered an impressive arsenal from Hamas, including RPGs, mines, rockets and mortars.

The majority of these weapons are manufactured in Gaza, by Hamas.

More information here.

“I’m afraid”: the call for help from a Frenchman stuck in Gaza

Oday, a Frenchman stranded in Gaza, appealed for help to return. On Wednesday, a bombing failed to hit it.

“There is no place where there is security. It’s scary, I’m afraid, it’s the first time I’m going back to Gaza and it will be the last time,” he said. entrusts.

Like Oday, there are around fifty of them requesting extradition to France. For the moment, the French cannot find a way out.

>> Our full article can be read here.

“Hamas is playing with our nerves”: the families of the hostages are losing patience

Relatives of hostages captured by Hamas call on governments to act. Like Keren Schem, mother of Mia, a Franco-Israeli hostage: “Hamas is playing with our nerves but we don’t have time to play.”

“I don’t know anything about my daughter’s state of health (…) maybe she is dead, maybe not,” she adds, while Hamas published a video of her girl.

Last night, in Tel Aviv, the families of the hostages gathered to ask the Israeli government to bring back their loved one. In Madrid, families are demanding that the Red Cross be sent to the Gaza Strip to treat their loved ones.

>> Our full article can be read here.

US military strikes two Iranian Revolutionary Guard facilities in Syria

The United States carried out strikes Thursday against two facilities used by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and “affiliated groups” in eastern Syria, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced.

“These self-defense and precision strikes are a response to a series of ongoing, and mostly failed, attacks on U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria by Iranian-backed militias” since October 17 , he said in a press release.

>> Our full article can be read here.

Rocket injures six in Egyptian border town

Six people were injured when a rocket fell during the night from Thursday to Friday on Taba, an Egyptian town bordering Israel, at war since October 7 with Palestinian Hamas in the Gaza Strip, report medias and witnesses.

Witnesses told AFP that this rocket fell on an annex of a hospital in this town on the Red Sea, located at the northeastern tip of Sinai and where there is a border post to Israel.

Images broadcast on local media or social networks show a damaged building and several vehicles blown up in the surrounding area. The Sinai desert peninsula is bordered at its northwest tip by the Gaza Strip and shares its northern border with Israel.

54 tons of humanitarian aid intended for Gaza will leave on Saturday

A special flight will leave for Egypt on Saturday to deliver 54 tonnes of emergency humanitarian aid for the benefit of civilian populations in the Gaza Strip, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Thursday.

This shipment, which will be handed over to the Egyptian Red Crescent, includes emergency medical kits, medicines, hospital equipment, emergency ventilators, solar lamps, generators and tents. Nearly 30 tonnes of food supplements and drinking water tablets will also be delivered.

While several hospitals in Gaza no longer have electricity due to the “complete siege” decreed by Israel, French President Emmanuel Macron announced Wednesday during a trip to Cairo the sending of a military ship to ” sustain”. The “Tonnerre”, which left Toulon on Wednesday, must participate in relief operations for the civilian populations of the Palestinian territory.

Europeans demand “humanitarian corridors”, Israel prepares its ground offensive

Hello everyone and welcome to this live broadcast dedicated to news in the Middle East, twenty days after the Hamas attacks in Israel.

Europeans met yesterday in Brussels and launched a joint appeal for “humanitarian corridors” and “breaks” in the fighting.

Israel announced Thursday that it had entered the Gaza Strip with tanks, to “prepare the battlefield” for a ground offensive, on the 20th day of its war against Hamas which left more than 7,000 dead in Gaza, according to the Palestinian movement.

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