LIVE – Elizabeth II: Prince Harry and Meghan also go to Balmoral

All relatives of Elizabeth II go to her bedside in Scotland

Queen Elizabeth II has four children, eight grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren. His relatives go to his bedside this Thursday:

  • Prince Charles, his first son and heir to the throne, and his wife Camilla
  • Princess Anne, his daughter
  • Prince Andrew, his third child who has withdrawn from his commitments since his involvement in the Epstein affair
  • Prince Edward, his youngest son
  • Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, the Queen’s grandson
  • Prince Harry, the second son of Prince Charles and Diana, and his wife Meghan

Changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace canceled this Thursday

A sign reading ‘No Changing of the Guard ceremony today’ is displayed in the courtyard of Buckingham Palace, London, on Thursday afternoon.

A sign reading “No Changing of the Guard ceremony today” is displayed in the courtyard of Buckingham Palace in central London on September 8, 2022. © DANIEL LEAL / AFP

Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, is staying in Windsor for her children’s first day of school

As members of the Royal Family travel to Scotland to be with Queen Elizabeth II, Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge has remained in Windsor, where she and Prince Charles recently moved.

Indeed, according to the British media, this Thursday is the first day in their new school of Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

Harry and Meghan on their way to Scotland to visit Queen Elizabeth II’s bedside

Prince Harry and his wife Meghan are on their way to Scotland, to Balmoral Castle, to visit Queen Elizabeth II’s bedside, a spokesperson for the couple has said.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who live in the US, were already in the UK as they were due to attend a charity event in London on Thursday evening.

Britons gather outside Balmoral Castle where Queen Elizabeth II is

Dozens of people gathered this Wednesday afternoon outside Balmoral Castle, Scotland, after learning that Queen Elizabeth II was in poor health, reports SkyNews.

All the children of Queen Elizabeth II go to her bedside

Princess Anne has arrived at Balmoral Castle, where Elizabeth II is. Prince Andrew is on his way, as is Prince Edward, the youngest of the Queen’s four children.

According to several British media, Prince Charles, heir to the throne, and his wife Camilla have also arrived in Scotland.

BBC One TV channel cancels regular programs and switches to special edition

The UK is holding its breath after doctors announced the worrying condition of Queen Elizabeth II. As a result, Britain’s premier television channel went on special and canceled its regular lineup.

Prince Andrew also visits Balmoral, at the bedside of Queen Elizabeth II

After William and Charles, Prince Andrew, involved in the Epstein affair, is also on his way to Balmoral, Scotland, to go to the bedside of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II.

The entire British political class “concerned” by the state of health of Elizabeth II

The news has the whole of the United Kingdom in suspense. Very soon after the announcement from Buckingham Palace, the country’s political leaders expressed their concern about the state of health of their monarch.

Nicola Sturgeonthe Scottish First Minister, said she was “deeply concerned” about the fate of Elizabeth II, as was former Prime Minister David Cameron.

Labor Party leader Keir Starmersaid “to join all the people of the United Kingdom who hope for his recovery.

Archbishop of Canterbury says ‘nation’s prayers’ accompany Queen

The Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Church of England after the Queen, sends his prayers to Elizabeth II, as her state of health has been declared “concerning”.

“My prayers, and the prayers of people across Europe, the UK church and nation, are with Her Majesty The Queen today,” he wrote in a tweet.

Queen Elizabeth II had canceled a videoconference meeting scheduled for Wednesday

The announcement of the concern of the doctors of Elizabeth II comes when she had canceled a videoconference meeting scheduled for Wednesday.

Buckingham Palace said at the time: ‘After a busy day yesterday, Her Majesty accepted Doctors’ advice this afternoon to rest. This means that the Privy Council meeting which was due to take place this evening will be rearranged’ .

More information here.

Queen Elizabeth II received Boris Johnson and Liz Truss on Tuesday

Queen Elizabeth II was last seen publicly on Tuesday when she was visited by outgoing Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his successor, Liz Truss, at her residence in Balmoral, Scotland.

An appointment that broke with the tradition that the monarch favors Buckingham Palace, in London, for his first meeting with the new head of government.

Debates in British parliament briefly interrupted to send ‘best wishes’ to the Queen

As the House of Commons debated a government bill on energy prices, Speaker of the House Lindsay Hoyle briefly intervened to say that “our best wishes” were sent to the Queen and that he would keep deputies informed if there was further news.

“I know I speak for the whole House when I say we send our best wishes to Her Majesty The Queen and that she and the Royal Family are in our thoughts and prayers at this time,” he said. he assures.

‘The whole country concerned’ about news about Queen’s health, claims new Prime Minister Liz Truss

British Prime Minister Liz Truss said “the whole country” was “concerned” about Queen Elizabeth II’s health after concerns were raised by her doctors.

“The whole country will be concerned about the news from Buckingham this afternoon,” tweeted the head of government.

“My thoughts and those of people across the UK are with Her Majesty The Queen and her family,” she added.

Princes Charles and William visit his residence at Balmoral

“The Queen continues to feel comfortable and at Balmoral”, her castle in Scotland, said Elizabeth II’s doctors in their press release. Princes Charles and William go there.

The Queen’s doctors “concerned” about her state of health

Hello everyone and welcome to this direct dedicated to concerns about the state of health of Elizabeth II, after the release of an official press release from Buckingham Palace.

The 96-year-old queen’s doctors said they were “concerned” about her state of health and “recommended that she be placed under medical supervision” at her Balmoral castle in Scotland.

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