LIVE – Disappearance of Lina: the investigation switches to judicial information, all avenues still studied

“I saw her pass”: a witness claims to have seen Lina on the day of her disappearance

“I saw her pass there in a blue car.” Sunday, the show 66 Minutes on M6, broadcast the testimony of a man who said he saw Lina walk past his house on the day of her disappearance.

“She said hello as she passed.”

“She was dressed in light clothes. She said hello as she passed by, reports the witness. She looked normal, she didn’t seem worried or anything.” The man claims “she didn’t make a call or anything.”

“There was a gentleman nearby,” the witness continues to our colleagues. The man specifies the route taken by the blue car. “She came from there, from the road from Saulxures to Plaine.”

“This road leads to Strasbourg, the opposite direction from the station,” he says.

The gendarmes rely on the testimony of the witness in their research and in particular on the presence of a blue car. Since Friday, around ten blue-grey Clio type cars have been checked by investigators.

More information here.

What does the opening of a judicial investigation change?

The investigation into Lina’s disappearance entered a new phase on Sunday with the opening of a judicial investigation for “kidnapping or confinement for more than seven days”.

This procedure makes it possible to give more investigative powers to the two investigating judges who are now leading the investigation.

The details of what changes with the opening of this judicial information can be found here.

A house scrutinized by investigators this weekend

A house in the hamlet of Diespach, in the commune of Plaine, was combed this weekend by gendarmerie investigators.

Without being placed in police custody, its occupant, a man in his forties, was questioned by the gendarmes without, again, there being nothing to link him to Lina’s disappearance.

Teenager says she was approached by man before Lina disappeared

Karine, a 14-year-old girl also living in Plaine, claims to have been approached twice by a man during the week preceding Lina’s disappearance.

A first time on Monday September 18, in a neighboring town. The teenager was returning from school around 6:30 p.m. (according to her father), when a man in a car honked at the teenager several times.

Three days later, on Thursday morning, while Karine was going to the bus stop to go to school, “a gray Citroën came up to her and wanted to open the door”, details her father on the microphone of BFMTV.

The young girl’s parents came forward to the gendarmerie after Lina’s disappearance. Karine was interviewed by investigators this week.

Judicial investigation “for kidnapping or sequestration” opened

Hello everyone, and welcome to this live dedicated to the disappearance of Lina, in Plaine (Bas-Rhin). The 15-year-old girl has not given any sign of life since Saturday September 23.

The initial investigation having failed to find Lina after more than seven days of investigation, the latter was transferred to judicial investigation this Sunday.

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