LIVE – Disappearance of Lina in Alsace: access to a house blocked by the gendarmes in Diespach

A house under surveillance again in Diespach

All night, a vehicle from the gendarmerie dog brigade remained on surveillance in front of a house in Diespach, a few kilometers from Plaine. Two new gendarmerie vehicles arrived on site shortly before 8 a.m., BFMTV noted.

A seal was placed at the door of the house. The reason for the presence of investigators on site this morning is not yet known.

This is the second time that investigators have looked into this home, a neighbor told BFMTV. On Friday the police came to the scene and were interested in a blue-gray Renault Clio parked in front of the house.

Teenager says she was approached by man before Lina disappeared

Karine, a 14-year-old girl also living in Plaine, claims to have been approached twice by a man during the week preceding Lina’s disappearance.

A first time on Monday September 18, in a neighboring town. The teenager was returning from school around 6:30 p.m. (according to her father), when a man in a car honked at the teenager several times.

Three days later, on Thursday morning, while Karine was going to the bus stop to go to school, “a gray Citroën came up to her and wanted to open the door”, details her father on the microphone of BFMTV.

The young girl’s parents came forward to the gendarmerie after Lina’s disappearance. Karine was interviewed by investigators this week.

An evolution of the investigation expected today

This Sunday marks the 8th day of the investigation. A change of status is therefore expected.

The public prosecutor will have to make a choice: switch the investigation to a preliminary investigation or open a judicial investigation.

In the first case, the investigation will continue to be carried out by the gendarmes under the responsibility of the public prosecutor.

As part of a judicial investigation, the investigation will be entrusted to one or more investigating magistrates who will have more resources and facilities to carry out the investigations.

No clues have yet been discovered

Lina had to go to Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station the morning of her disappearance and take the train to join her boyfriend in Strasbourg.

To do this, she had to travel a route of around 3 km through a wooded area of ​​the Bruche valley.

Call for witnesses, searches, verification of bodies of water: at this stage, the research carried out as part of the investigation opened by the Saverne public prosecutor’s office has not discovered anything.

No leads are currently favored by investigators. Find our update on the investigation here.

Hello everyone

Hello everyone and welcome to this live dedicated to the disappearance of Lina, a 15-year-old teenager, in Plaine (Bas-Rhin). She has not given any sign of life since Saturday September 23.

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