Live blog Ukraine war: According to the UN, the number of refugees will soon exceed the two million mark

Thuringia’s President for the Protection of the Constitution, Stephan Kramer, has warned that possible extremists and criminals with the flow of refugees from Ukraine could reach Western Europe. In the “Handelsblatt” Kramer therefore calls for the Registration of all Ukraine refugees.

“With all the help, compassion and humanity in the current situation, we must not lose sight of the security of our citizens and our nations,” says Kramer. “This means that we should know who is crossing our borders for protection, support and freedom of movement and possibly starting a new life here.”

The danger does not come from the refugees, but possibly from one war party, various extremists and organized crimewho wanted to take advantage of the refugee movement. “For example, Islamist terrorist groups could use the lack of border controls to smuggle potential attackers into Europe without being checked,” says Kramer.
(©Paul Zinken/DPA)

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