LIVE – 30 years since the coronation of OM in the Champions League: Macron salutes “the historic coronation”

“You made me dream”, Macron’s message

Absent from the ceremony organized by Eric Di Meco this Friday evening, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron wanted to salute the “historic victory” of OM. “I wanted to tell you that I was thinking very hard of you. First, because that evening, 30 years ago, you made me dream and vibrate like millions of other French people, not just Marseilles. , launched Emmanuel Macron. Then, as you know, I have never ceased to be faithful to OM and you are the legendary generation, the one who made it possible to have this European star and to be at never the first! Always and again!”

Huge crack of smoke bombs in Marseille!

To end this beautiful day, a cracking of smoke bombs is currently taking place all along the Marseille coast: 8000 smoke bombs, over more than 20 kilometers… along the sea, from South to North of Marseille, a record!

Giant Tifo on the Old Port, a tribute to the heroes of 1993… Marseille celebrates

Marseille celebrates this Friday the 30th anniversary of the victory in the Champions League against the great Milan. The former heroes were received at City Hall by Benoît Payan, before greeting the thousands of supporters gathered in the Old Port.

>> To read here

Replay of the final at 8 p.m.

The OM-AC Milan match will be rebroadcast at 8 p.m. on a giant screen at City Hall. At 11 p.m., supporters will set the coast ablaze with smoke bombs.

A minute of silence is observed

In memory of Bernard Tapie.

Dominique Tapie is obviously present

The widow of Bernard Tapie is “very moved” by the celebrations. “It’s only in Marseille that you can see that,” she confides at the microphone of BFM Marseille.

Basil Boli speaks

“Thank you to the people of Marseille, I love you,” said the striker in the final simply.

The fresco is unveiled in front of the Town Hall.

Smoke bombs are cracked in front of the Town Hall

And an “Aux Armes” is sung on the Old Port! Followed by “who does not jump is not Marseillais”.

The supporters on the Old Port. © Screenshot BFM Marseille

The speech of Benoît Payan, who pays tribute to Bernard Tapie

“Bernard Tapie was not a child of Marseille but his heart was blue and white”, declared in particular the mayor of Marseille

The festivities begin at City Hall

The former players – with Basile Boli and Eric Di Meco among others – are at Marseille city hall. They will appear on the balcony, facing the supporters. Didier Deschamps is not yet present.

Former OM players who won the C1.
Former OM players who won the C1. © Screenshot BFM Marseille

Barthez looks back on his competition with Olmeta during the 93 season

“Pascal (Olmeta) welcomed me, protected me even when I took his place. He is a healthy person”, confides Fabien Barthez, guest of the Super Moscato Show relocated for the occasion to Marseille.

Boksic: “A victory that marked my life”

Alen Boksic, OM striker when they won the Champions League 30 years ago, confided in the Super Moscato Show on this evening in May 1993.

“This victory not only marked my career, it marked my life, claimed the Croatian on RMC. It’s the greatest success we could have had. We had a superb team, but we arrived after a team even stronger than us. The year 90-91, I think it was the strongest team in Europe. We were lucky that they made the way, that helped us a lot helped.”

>>> The Super Moscato Show live on RMC Sport’s Twitch

Follow the special Super Moscato Show live from Marseille

Vincent Moscato and the SMS team are in Marseilles this Friday, for a special broadcast on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the coronation.

>>> It’s to follow live on RMC Sport’s Twitch

A tribute at the tomb of Bernard Tapie

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of OM’s coronation in the Champions League, the ultra Marseille group of the Old Guard paid tribute to Bernard Tapie at his grave.

A forecourt of the Vélodrome stadium will bear the name of Bernard Tapie

The mayor of Marseille, Benoît Payan, announces this Thursday that the esplanade of the Vélodrome stadium will take the name of Bernard Tapie. Information that he confirmed at the microphone of BFM Marseille Provence.

>> More info here

“We are going to baptize the esplanade in front of the stadium, esplanade Bernard-Tapie in memory of the man who was a great president of Olympique de Marseille”, he explains.

The Super Moscato Show relocated to Marseille this Friday

The Super Moscato Show will be relocated to Marseille this Friday to experience the festivities of the 30th anniversary of OM’s crowning in the Champions League as closely as possible. Around Vincent Moscato, Pierre Dorian, Adrien Aigoin and Denis Charvet, Éric Di Meco and other OM legends will return to the mythical epic of 1993.

Di Meco “a little embarrassed” for young supporters

OM celebrate this Friday the 30th anniversary of their victory in the Champions League against AC Milan (1-0). A great memory for Eric Di Meco, holder in the final, who is waiting for successors to offer new emotions to Marseille supporters.

>> Di Meco’s full statements here

“If we are talked about so much about us, that means that unfortunately the CV has been thin lately, notes the former French international. Didier Deschamps won a French championship title in 2010 and League Cups. I also have a thought for the kids who don’t want to live by proxy. Even if it’s a football city where you pass on the history of the club to your children, when OM went to the final of the Europa League against Atlético (in 2018, editor’s note), the city was set ablaze because all its kids want to experience it themselves. We are a little embarrassed about that. When it’s too much, it can even bother us at some point.”

How OM maintains the link with the victory of May 26, 1993

30 years ago, on May 26, 1993, OM won the Champions League against the great Milan thanks to the header of Basile Boli. This Friday, several celebrations are planned in Marseille to celebrate this coronation.

>> All the details here

This was one of the fears of OM leaders. Celebrate 30 years of victory in the Champions League, Saturday May 27 during Marseille-Brest, an evening when OM would no longer be in the race for qualification in C1. The prestigious history of the Olympian club is a source of pride for many, but it is also a burden to bear for those who are trying to put OM back on the path to success. The current third place in Ligue 1 is not ideal, but it already has a very small scent of C1. The party around May 26, 93 will take place in a festive atmosphere. The stadium will be full this Saturday evening for the last match of the season at the Vélodrome, and the winners of this famous OM-Milan in Munich will almost all be in the stands around President Pablo Longoria.

Hello everyone

Welcome to our live to follow all the tributes, reactions and memories on this anniversary of the 30th anniversary of OM’s victory in the Champions League final against AC Milan (1-0), May 26, 1993 .

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