Little Hades can finally be called after the Greek god of the underworld

Little Hades will be able to keep his first name. Born in the corsair city seven months ago, the little Breton bears the same name as the Greek god of the earth and the underworld, brother of Zeus and Poseidon. A similarity that posed a problem for the civil status officer responsible for validating the identity of the child. The latter reported the file to the Saint-Malo prosecutor, who asked that the first name be refused and removed from the civil status. But the family court judge finally agreed with the parents in a decision rendered on Friday.

The case became media in March, after the publication of an article by our colleagues from Pays Malouin. Kristina and Rodrigo, the parents of the child, had explained their choice to name their child Hades. “We chose this name simply because we thought it was pretty. We didn’t call him Lucifer or Satan, we’re not stupid. We just wanted an original first name, which sounds good, ”explained the parents.

Contrary to the interests of the child?

The Saint-Malo public prosecutor’s office had estimated that this first name inspired by Greek mythology was “contrary to the interests of the child”. According to the family lawyer, the first name Hades was assigned 12 times in France in 2020. “No prosecution has requested the removal of this first name from the civil status”, explained the council to our colleagues.

In France, the choice of the first name of the child is free but justice has a right of inspection. It is the civil status officer who can seize it to alert him in case of doubt. First names like Titeuf or Nutella have already been banned. In Brittany, the Fañch affair had caused a lot of ink to flow. Not because the first name could harm the child but because of the presence of the tilde (comma) on the n. The parents had finally won their case after a legal marathon.

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