Lisa Paus about her conservative family, autograph cards and the traffic lights

Lisa Paus raises high expectations with her politics – and cannot always fulfill them. The Green Family Minister star-Interview about arguments at traffic lights, her conservative family and autograph cards.

Ms. Paus, is it also the fault of the federal government that more and more people are voting for right-wing parties?
The support for right-wing and right-wing extremist parties in the last state elections shocked me. The fact is: the federal government has implemented a lot – but the dispute surrounding it has drowned everything out, so that the population does not have the feeling that we are actually doing a good job. When it comes to posture grades, we’re bad.

What does that mean for you?
We have to change that! With the migration package, we have proven that we can achieve this. But it is of course a problem that after 16 years of Angela Merkel, people no longer find political disputes in a government coalition normal…

What do you mean?
People didn’t pay much attention to politics anymore; they thought: “Mom will do it!” We are three parties that represent different population groups and are struggling to find what a good social compromise can look like. Conflict is part of politics.

The right is also successful because voters rebel against gender, against veggie sausages, against identity politics. Can there be a culture war here like in the USA?

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