Lisa Frischemeier’s picture book “I see vulvas everywhere” – Culture

Staircases, fruits, balls of yarn: many things remind the comedian Lisa Frischemeier of vulvas. An illustrated book documents some and changes the way we see.

Have you said “vulva” yet today? No? Then now is the right moment for it. So please take a breath and repeat: “Vulva, vulva, vulva.” Until it no longer feels strange. The stand-up comedian Lisa Frischemeier asked the question why so few things in public spaces resemble vulvas, but there are clearly phallic objects everywhere, for example in the form of buildings, pepper shakers and antique sculptures. Their thesis is: This only seems to be the case because vulvas have been hidden for far too long and haven’t even been properly named. And if it isn’t established with a name, no one sees it. Because we only ever look for what we know.

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