Lionel Royer-Perreaut, heavyweight of the Marseille right, joins LREM to everyone’s surprise

Thunderbolt over the Old Port. In an interview with Provence, Lionel Royer-Perreaut, mayor of the 9th and 10th arrondissements of Marseille, announces that he is leaving LR for LREM and supporting Emmanuel Macron in the presidential election. A few weeks ago, Lionel Royer-Perreaut, rather critical in the past towards LREM, showed his support for Valérie Pécresse, but the implementation of the President of the Republic’s plan for Marseille has, he says, weighed in his choice.

For the Marseille right, it is a heavyweight in its ranks that is leaving the ship. As director of the social landlord 13 Habitat, the vice-president of the departmental council is Martine Vassal’s right-hand man on housing and unfit housing issues. He is also at the head of Soleam, a company responsible for renovating the city center of Marseille.

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