Line A of the metro will be closed for several weeks during the summer of 2028

Apart from maybe watching the Summer Olympics in Los Angeles on television, we don’t really know yet what we’ll be doing in the summer of 2028. Rennes metro will be closed for several weeks.

The announcement was made Thursday evening by Semtcar, the semi-public company which manages public transport in the Rennes area, during a public meeting devoted to the modification of the rear Kennedy station. This project, which will begin in the first half of 2025, will be sizeable with an estimated cost of the work amounting to 86 million euros excluding tax.

One train every 66 seconds instead of 90

It aims to extend the terminus of line A by 250 meters in order to build a second platform and develop a storage station. Objective: to circulate 36 trains simultaneously and thus increase the rate of the line. Once the work is finished, passengers will only wait 66 seconds between two trains, compared to 90 currently.

The bulk of the work will be done underground, with the tunnel passing under an imposing residential building located on Avenue de Guyenne. The project will be the subject of a public inquiry which will take place at the end of 2023 or the beginning of 2024.

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