Lindau-Reutin: Finally toilets in the new train station – Bavaria

There are the best rankings on the Internet, everything is classified and rated, including toilets, of course. The disgusting station toilets are also included in an overview, and it should be good news for Lindau that the new Reutin long-distance train station does not appear in such a list. The train station was opened in March 2020, which handles long-distance traffic on Lake Constance faster and relieves the terminal station on the island of Lindau. However, over the past year and a half, passengers in Reutin would probably not have been sad about being included in the list of the most disgusting station toilets in Germany. That would mean that there were at least some.

But there is good news from the city council, reports the Lindau newspaper: Outhouses will probably be available from Friday, for travelers of course, not for dubious rankings on the internet. Can’t hurt for the first new German long-distance train station to be built outside of Berlin in 15 years, commentators on the good news agree.

So the city is now doing the work, in such cases nobody needs to hope for Deutsche Bahn. In the event of problems with toilets at train stations, she is happy to point out that train passengers can also use the little place on the train. Longer waiting times at train stations or even delays and train cancellations do not appear in the infrastructure concept of the railways.

The elevator didn’t work that well either

The lack of toilets on the platform were not the only annoyance for travelers. Until recently, there were always problems with an elevator that got stuck in the middle of a journey or didn’t work at all. Numerous reports show that the emergency service did not even come, but that the fire brigade had to intervene to free the imprisoned. The train station has really earned the signet “Bavaria barrier-free – funded by the Free State of Bavaria”. Minister of Transport Christian Bernreiter only awarded it personally on site in March.

The defect in the elevator has now been found, apparently a loose contact was to blame. Travelers will soon be able to use a toilet in Lindau-Reutin and then take the elevator straight away – and of course get on the train.

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