Liebeskiller: “Phubbing” endangers more than your partnership

Watch the video: Love Killer – “Phubbing” endangers more than your partnership.

Paying more attention to your phone than your partner can not only jeopardize your relationship.

So-called “phubbing” describes the habit of dealing with the smartphone while neglecting the other person.

The term is an artificial word composed of the English terms “phone” for telephone and “snubbing” for snubbing.

This behavior is often perceived as impolite by other people.

It also represents a communicative barrier that could also be seen as a barrier.

“Phubbing” is therefore also a subject of science.

The phenomenon can not only negatively affect relationships, but also reduce the life satisfaction of those affected. This is what Faruk Caner Yam from the Turkish Gazisomanpaşa University in Tokat found out.

Caner Yam used surveys to find out how satisfied people are in their romantic relationships with and without phubbing.

The evaluation clearly showed that people who are “phubbed” by their partner are much less satisfied with their relationship than those in whose relationship phubbing is not an issue.

The results of the study, which were published in the journal “Psychological Reports”, also indicate that life satisfaction is also indirectly negatively influenced by phubbing.

So it doesn’t matter whether the other person is your partner, parents, children or work colleagues. Time together is precious and should be enjoyed consciously and with full attention.

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