Liam Neeson: He fell in love with a taken woman

Liam Neeson
He fell in love with a taken woman

Liam Neeson was in front of the camera in Australia for a new film.

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Liam Neeson has fallen in love again – but with a woman who is already taken. He now confessed on Australian television.

Unusually open confession on a talk show: Liam Neeson (69) spoke about his unfortunate love for an Australian. He got to know her while filming his new film “Blacklight”, but the unknown lady was already taken elsewhere.

Neeson was in front of the camera for his new film from November 2020 in Melbourne, Australia. The late-career action hero star plays an FBI agent who gets caught up in a government conspiracy.

Friends in Australia – and more

As reported by the “Daily Mail”, among other things, Neeson raved about the shooting in an interview with the Australian breakfast television “Sunrise”: “I loved Melbourne, I loved our Australian crew”. He also found a few friends among his Australian colleagues. With one woman, the feelings apparently went even further: “I fell in love, but she was taken.”

Not only the moderators were visibly amazed at Neeson’s confession. They immediately called on viewers to help find the mysterious woman. The “Daily Mail” also mentions an email address in its article to which users can report relevant information.

In 2009, Liam Neeson’s longtime wife Natasha Richardson (1963-2009) died following a skiing accident. The couple had been married since 1994. The marriage produced two children together. From 2010 to 2012, the actor was in a relationship with British businesswoman Freya St. Johnston. In 2016, he hinted at a liaison with a famous woman without naming a name.


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