LFI withdraws two texts from its day at the Assembly on Thursday

Faced with hundreds of amendments, the LFI deputies decided to withdraw the first two texts which appeared on the agenda of their day reserved for Thursday at the National Assembly, including that on the Smic at 1,600 euros, we were told. learned Wednesday from parliamentary sources.

The first was a request for a “commission of inquiry” on the “Uber Files” and the role of Emmanuel Macron in the establishment of Uber in France, and the second proposed the increase of the minimum wage to 1,600 euros net, a marker strong for the rebellious.

Examination of the text which prohibits bullfighting in France

Their withdrawal raises their proposal to include the right to abortion in the Constitution in the first place of the texts of their “parliamentary niche”, this day allowing a minority group to set the agenda in the National Assembly .

It also opens the possibility of at least beginning the examination of the following text, that proposing the total prohibition of bullfighting in France, which unleashes passions and divides the different political groups.

The “kennel” must end at midnight

The “niche” must end no matter what at midnight and with the hundreds of amendments tabled by their political opponents on its various texts, the LFI group feared that it would not be able to complete the examination of the proposal. constitutional law on the right to abortion. However, it is the one that has the best chance of being adopted, a majority of deputies being in favor of it, despite the strong reluctance of the right and the far right.

The text on the Smic, which was the subject of more than 100 amendments, had no chance of being adopted, even if LFI would have liked to be able to debate it in the hemicycle.

The rebellious had denounced an “anti-democratic obstruction” of their opponents during the tabling of the amendments. “I think it’s dangerous,” launched their leader Mathilde Panot on Tuesday, castigating a desire “to prevent any debate on major” societal or “social emergency” topics.

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