Leyla Lahouar: Does the jungle have a new drama queen?

Leyla Lahouar
Does the jungle have a new drama queen?

Leyla Lahouar shouted “I’m a star – get me out of here!” after three seconds.

© RTL / Stefan Thoyah

Will she scratch Danni Büchner’s jungle test record? This is how drama queen Leyla Lahouar ticks.

By the third day at the latest, “I’m a Star – Get Me Out of Here!” a favorite for the title of drama queen of the season has emerged. Leyla Lahouar (27) aborted her first jungle test after just a few seconds on Sunday (also via RTL+).

As Dr. When Bob (73) explained the challenge, Leyla Lahouar was already in tears. Together with Twenty4Tim (23), the TV star had to squeeze into a narrow room in order to unscrew stars. Of course with the addition of animals.

While Tim had rats for company, Lahouar had to share her room with a lizard. When the animal touches her on the head, the ex-““Bachelor” candidate applied the emergency brake. Aborted after just three seconds! “I really panicked,” she says later, again in tears.

Danni Büchner’s record in danger?

At the end of the mini-edition on Sunday, Leyla Lahouar had the logical consequence. The audience voted her into the next test. “They can’t be serious,” she explains incredulously. Of course, experienced jungle camp viewers know: the worse or bitchier a candidate performs in an exam, the more likely they are to get a ticket for the next challenge.

If Lahouar continues like this and goes far, Danni Büchner’s record (45) could even fall. The TV emigrant set a world record (!) in 2020 with twelve tests. Jungle camp legend Larissa Marolt (31) is still in second place with ten views. Gisele Oppermann (36) and Helena Fürst (49) follow with nine tests each.

Who is Leyla Lahouar?

Leyla who? Even die-hard jungle camp fans might have asked themselves that at the start of the 17th season. Leyla Lahouar was born on May 14, 1996 in Bad Homburg, the daughter of a Tunisian father and a German mother.

Before her IBES engagement, she went through the usual official career of trash TV: in 2022, the Frankfurt native was a candidate on “Ex on the Beach”. There she became infamous because she hit her titular ex in the format.

In 2023, Leyla Lahouar appeared reformed on “The Bachelor”. She became a crowd favorite, but David Jackson (32) left her without a rose after seven episodes. The second attempt at dating on “Bachelor in Paradise” also followed in 2023, where she broke off early.

Fear of everything

For “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here!” Leyla Lahouar has the best qualifications, not only because of her dazzling TV background – at least from the viewer’s perspective. The operator of an online shop for artificial eyelashes is afraid of almost everything. According to RTL, she is afraid of “crawly crawlies and nasty food.” She prefers dogs like her dachshund Alani. She is also afraid of heights and is disgusted by used towels. Welcome to the jungle!

In the current season, Leyla Lahouar not only reacted hysterically to animals during the exam. She kept screaming around the campfire because of insect attacks. She’s really loud. According to her own statement, her neighbors banned her from laughing after 10 p.m.

What could happen next for Leyla Lahouar in the camp? If she continues like this, she can join the ranks of hate figures like Oppermann and Fürst. If she can overcome herself, she could become a fan favorite like Larissa Marolt. She is still at a crossroads.


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