Lewis Capaldi: Concerts in Stuttgart and Munich are cancelled

Lewis Capaldi
Concerts in Stuttgart and Munich are cancelled

Lewis Capaldi needs to rest his voice.

© 2019 Ben Houdijk/Shutterstock.com

The Scottish singer-songwriter Lewis Capaldi has to postpone upcoming concerts in Stuttgart and Munich due to bronchitis.

Lewis Capaldi (26) has to postpone the last concerts of his European tour with a heavy heart. The Scottish singer announced this on Friday (March 10) in a video that he shared among other things on twitter published. The musician was supposed to perform in Barcelona that evening and had to cancel the performance a few hours beforehand. The concert in Madrid this Saturday and the shows in Stuttgart (March 14, Schleyer-Halle) and Munich (March 15, Olympiahalle) are also affected. Also on his website it can be read that the shows have been canceled and the fans should wait for more information.

Not fit again in time

“Earlier this week I was told I had bronchitis after losing my voice on stage and was sent home to Glasgow and had to postpone Zurich and Milan,” Capaldi says in the video. He was given medication and inhalers to help with bronchitis, “and I’m feeling a little bit better and I thought I was ready for the show, so I flew to Barcelona and I’m backstage right now.”

At the sound check, his voice failed. He has spoken to a doctor and now has to take a week to “let it subside and heal properly and not cause permanent damage to my voice”. He is very sorry, “the dates will be postponed and we’ll all see each other later,” he concludes.

Many fans showed understanding on social media, but a few also criticized the short-term cancellation of the concert in Barcelona. For a message at Twitter Capaldi reacted and once again emphasized his effort: “I woke up this morning and thought I could get through tonight so as not to let anyone down. I assure you, the worst thing I could have done for my health and my conscience, is not to rest and come here on the plane.”

Lewis Capaldi’s new album, Broken By Desire To Be Heavenly Sent, will be released on May 19, 2023.


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