“Let’s Dance”: Timur Ülker has Corona – that’s what RTL says about the many cases

RTL show
“Let’s Dance”: Now Timur Ülker also has Corona – that’s what RTL says about the many cases

“Let’s Dance”: In show two, Timur Ülker danced with Patricija Ionel

© Rolf Vennenbernd / Picture Alliance

Eight people involved in the show “Let’s Dance” were or are infected with Corona. Actor Timur Ülker is a newcomer. The broadcaster RTL reacts to criticism from the fans.

The corona infections in “Let’s Dance” just don’t end: actor Timur Ülker has now tested positive for the virus and is canceled for the show this Friday. After Caroline Bosbach and Lilly zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, he is the third celebrity to be absent from the dance floor. “I’ll do my best to be back quickly!” the 32-year-old wrote on Instagram. Already in the previous week, Ülker had to compete with dancers Patricija Ionel because his actual partner Malika Dzumaev was infected.

The 31-year-old has now announced that her quarantine has ended and she could have competed in the third show – but now Ülker has got it. “I can’t really be happy. We haven’t had an easy journey so far and have already experienced some lows. Get well soon. I’m waiting for you,” wrote Dzumaev on Instagram addressed to Ülker.

That’s what RTL says about the many corona cases on “Let’s Dance”

Many fans of the dance show are surprised that so many celebrities and professional dancers are infected. Demands for the show to continue without an audience and the lounge, where all participants are, have already been raised. Last year, the show took place without viewers in the hall. The celebrities and their partners sat separately on individual sofas. “Dear friends of cultivated dance entertainment, you’ve been wondering for a few days how Corona cases can always occur with ‘Let’s Dance’. We strictly adhere to all legal requirements in terms of production,” said the broadcaster RTL.

And further: “But as you are probably currently experiencing in your environment, the number of infections is generally very high – and unfortunately we are not spared from that, despite our best efforts. Fortunately, all infections related to ‘Let’s Dance’ have been mild so far . Keep taking care of yourselves and stay healthy!”

Timur Ülker is now the eighth corona infected person from the “Let’s Dance” team. The presenter Frauke Ludowig, the dancers Andrzej Cibis and Malika Dzumaev as well as Lilly zu Sayn-Wittgenstein and Caroline Bosbach had previously been caught. Actor Hardy Krüger Jr. had to leave the show completely due to his illness and juror Joachim Llambi got infected before the start of the new season, but was missing from the introductory show.

Viewers should be curious as to how the absence of three couples in the live show on Friday evening will be compensated. “We will announce later exactly what effects the corona failures will have,” said RTL.

Source: Instagram “Let’s Dance”


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