“Let’s Dance”: Not enough points for Timon Krause

RTL dance show
“Let’s Dance”: Anna Ermakova is “sexy without being vulgar”

Model Anna Ermakova and dancer Valentin Lusin at Let’s Dance

© Panama Pictures / Imago Images

Four couples were still in the semifinals of “Let’s Dance”. Anna Ermakova clears up with erotic contemporary. Timon Krause misses entry into the final show.

Only four couples danced to get into the final on “Let’s Dance” (on RTL and RTL +). A new and frightening challenge awaited the celebrities with the “Impro Dance Even Noch More Extreme”. Anna Ermakova was “sexy without being vulgar” and Philipp Boy was lucky again.

Philipp Boy and Patricija Ionel opened the semifinals with a fiery paso double. Motsi Mabuse and Jorge González particularly liked the dramatic yet lightness of their dance. “You can’t get more out of such a Paso Doble,” said Joachim Llambi enthusiastically. Full 30 points. The former gymnast continued with a slow fox. A successful performance, although the juror sometimes felt it was a bit “too hard”. There were 26 points for this.

Timon Krause and Ekaterina Leonova showed a quick step with a demanding choreography. Motsi Mabuse was a fan of the story the two, disguised as an aged couple, told on the dance floor. “I had my hand on the ten, but then there was a small clock error,” Llambi looked very closely. There were three times nine points for that. At the Paso Doble, Ekaterina Leonova got the bullfighter out of the mentalist. The judges noticed that Timon Krause lost some of his stability in between, but the passion came through. A further 27 points came together for this.

Julia Beautx’s training showed that the “king of standard dances”, the slow fox, will be a tough challenge. But the hard work paid off. “Very soulful, very elegant, very good footwork,” was the verdict of the strict jury and awarded nine points. “Really big number”, Motsi Mabuse didn’t have much to complain about either. Julia Beautx and Zsolt Sándor Cseke got 29 points for their Slowfolx. Jive in a cheerleader costume was the motto in the second round for the YouTuber. According to the jury, there were occasional technical problems, but the speed was praised. There were 26 points on top.

Let’s dance: Timon Krause and Ekaterina Leonova are a well-rehearsed duo

While Anna Ermakova and Valentin Lusin presented their Viennese waltz, Joachim Llambi even got up from his chair with enthusiasm. “Sensational”, praised the 58-year-old, but still criticized the footwork. Jorge González saw things differently and countered: “You can’t do it any better”. There were 29 points for it. Anna Ermakova then really cleaned up with her erotic contemporary. “Sexy without being vulgar,” Jorge González put it in a nutshell. “I had my hand on the ten again, but then the ten said that’s not enough,” the dance caused complete enthusiasm for Llambi.

A quick grasp was required at the “Impro Dance Event Noch More Extreme”. Only in the show did the couples dance live without knowing the song that went with it. After 30 seconds of training time, the result had to be brought to the floor. Timon Krause and Ekaterina Leonova presented themselves as a well-established duo.

On the other hand, there were disappointed faces after the impro dance with Philipp Boy and Patricija Ionel. “Do you still have them all by the lamp?” Joachim Llambi asked the ex-gymnast after a devastating verdict. Nevertheless, Philipp Boy made it through to the next round after a nail-biter and Timon Krause missed out on the final show.


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