“Let’s Dance”: Caroline Bosbach and Lilly zu Sayn Wittgenstein have Corona

RTL show
New corona cases on “Let’s Dance”: Caroline Bosbach and Lilly zu Sayn-Wittgenstein infected

“Let’s Dance”: Lilly zu Sayn-Wittgenstein danced with Jimmie Surles in show two

© Rolf Vennenbernd / Picture Alliance

The medical file on “Let’s Dance” is getting thicker: Now Caroline Bosbach and Lilly zu Sayn-Wittgenstein have also been infected with Corona. Two dance partners could be affected by the princess.

The corona infections in “Let’s Dance” never end: With Caroline Bosbach and Lilly zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, two other candidates are added. Both will not be able to appear on next Friday’s show. Juror Joachim Llambi, presenter Frauke Ludowig, actor Hardy Krüger Jr. and the two professional dancers Malika Dzumaev and Andrzej Cibis had previously been infected.

It is not yet clear whether Dzumaev will be part of show three. So far, her celebrity partner, actor Timur Ülker, has been training with professional dancer Patricija Ionel. She stepped in last week after it became clear that her allotted celebrity, Hardy Krüger Jr., would no longer be able to attend due to his illness.

Politician Caroline Bosbach has in a video commented on her positive corona test. “I’m fine overall, I have a cold and a pretty cracked nervous system, I had to process it first, it was actually like a big shock for me,” said the 32-year-old. Her dance partner Valentin Lusin also published one Video message on Instagram. “My test is negative. Of course we are very sad. I wish her that it will pass quickly, that it will remain symptom-free and that we can dance for you again the Friday after next,” he said. The 35-year-old is married to professional dancer Renata Lusin, who also competes in “Let’s Dance”. If his corona test is still positive, this could have further consequences.

Lilly zu Sayn-Wittgenstein trained with Robert Beitsch

Lilly zu Sayn-Wittgenstein’s situation is not that easy either. The 49-year-old was eliminated from the first show, but returned to the floor due to Hardy Krüger Jr.’s illness. Then her dance partner Andrzej Cibis got infected and had to pause in show two. Instead, zu Sayn-Wittgenstein performed with professional dancer Jimmie Surles. He announced on Instagram that his tests have so far been negative, but that he wants to stay at home as a precaution. Reported to Sayn-Wittgenstein in a videothat she has a cold, muscle and sore throat and is very tired. “I actually put it all down to training,” she said.

Before her infection was found, she had already trained again – with a third partner. The broadcaster RTL announced on Monday that dancer Robert Beitsch would return and appear in the third show with Lilly zu Sayn-Wittgenstein. Less than 24 hours later, the princess had a positive corona test. It is not yet clear whether Beitsch is also infected.


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