Less than 4,500 people in intensive care in France

In a hospital in Colombe, near Paris. (drawing) – ALAIN JOCARD / AFP

The number of Covid-19 patients in intensive care services continued to decline on Thursday, falling below the 4,500 mark, while the number of hospitalizations also continues to decline, according to daily figures from Public Health France. Critical care services (which bring together resuscitation, intensive care and continuous monitoring) now have 4,442 Covid patients, including 139 new admissions in twenty-four hours, against 4,583 Wednesdays. This figure has been declining almost continuously since the high point of 6,001 reached on April 26 (higher than the peak of the second wave of autumn at 4,900 but below that of the first wave in April 2020, around 7,000) .

The total number of hospitalizations for Covid also continues to decline, with 23,656 patients recorded on Thursday, including 618 new hospitalizations in twenty-four hours, against 24,254 the day before. The downward trend of the epidemic is confirmed by the weekly epidemiological update of Public Health France published Thursday evening. Thus, the consolidated figures for the week of May 3 to 8 show a further drop in new admissions to intensive care units (-24% compared to the previous week) and new hospitalizations (-25%).

“Hospital pressure remains strong”

“In week 18 (from May 3 to 9, 2021), the improvement of all epidemiological indicators continued,” notes the organization, also noting a drop for the fourth consecutive week in the incidence rate to 197 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (-18%). “But the circulation of the virus is still sustained throughout the metropolitan area. Hospital pressure remains strong, especially in critical care services in the majority of regions, calling for greater vigilance in the coming weeks given the gradual relaxation of collective measures, ”warns Public Health France.

“Maintaining a high level of adherence to individual measures for prevention, screening, isolation of cases and contacts and accelerating vaccination are essential to maintain the observed dynamic downwards and to preserve hospital capacities. Insists the weekly report. Since the start of the vaccination campaign in France, 19,269,311 people have received at least one injection and 8,544,122 people have received two injections (i.e. 12.8% of the total population and 16.3% of the adult population) , according to figures released Thursday night.

19,461 new contaminations were also listed Thursday, against 21,498 Wednesday and 21,712 last Thursday. The positivity rate (number of positive tests out of the total tests carried out) is again down to 5.1% after several days of sharp decline, since it still stood at 10% at the end of April. With 131 new deaths recorded in hospital in twenty-four hours, the Covid toll since the start of the epidemic now stands at 107,279 deaths, including 80,972 in hospital.

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