Leonie Böhn stages “Johanna” for Hamburg – Kultur


Till Briegleb

Is harmlessness a tried and tested remedy against violent politics? So is the friendly refusal to take part in such a policy the right measure so that women don’t have to pay for the “problems of a patriarchal system”? Especially in war? The director Leonie Boehm has been traveling through German-speaking theaters with this thesis for five years and has been successful with it, even to the point of being invited to the Berlin Theatertreffen 2021. She stages classic material, which is always about power, war and violence, fundamentally conflict-sedated, such as “Nathan “, “Medea” and “The Robbers”. Now she has applied her yoga training of bloodthirsty canon literature to the most famous warrior of the European hegemonic battles, Joan of Arc – “After ‘Die Jungfrau von Orleans’ by Friedrich Schiller”, as it says in the program book for her production “Johanna” in the painter’s hall of the Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg is called.

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