Leonardo DiCaprio: Call for help for the victims of the Ukraine war

Leonardo DiCaprio
Call for help for the victims of the Ukraine war

Leonardo DiCaprio has been a UN Messenger of Peace since 2014.

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Leonardo DiCaprio uses his star power to draw attention to aid organizations that support the numerous victims of the Ukraine war.

If Oscar winner Leonardo DiCaprio (47) something posted on his official Instagram account, it is usually something urgent. This is also the case with his most recent post, in which he shows his more than 52 million followers the terrible effects of the war in Ukraine. “The victims of the war in Ukraine have lost everything. From loved ones to the most basic necessities for survival,” the star captioned a series of images.

Each of the four photos is from an aid organization that supports Ukrainians who have stayed or fled the country, and to which DiCaprio wants to draw as much attention as possible. These are Save the Children, CARE, the International Rescue Committee and the UN refugee agency, the UN Refugee Agency.

Known for his charitable work

DiCaprio has all four organizations according to a report by CNN also donated. The star has long campaigned for charitable causes and against environmental degradation. At the age of 24 he founded the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation to protect nature. In 2014 he was appointed UN Messenger of Peace.


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