Leipzig: Climate activist Thunberg at a pro-Palestine demonstration

Climate activist Thunberg at a pro-Palestine demonstration

The Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg demonstrates in Leipzig. photo

© Raik Schache/LVZ/dpa

It was only at the end of last year that climate activist Greta Thunberg caused a lot of criticism for her support of the Palestinians.

The Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg surprisingly took part in a solidarity campaign for Palestinians in Leipzig. Thunberg spent some time at the demonstration in downtown Leipzig on Wednesday evening and also gave a short speech, a police spokesman said upon request. Around 200 people took part in the registered demonstration. The “Leipziger Volkszeitung” first reported on it.

According to the police spokesman, it was not known in advance that Thunberg, who became known worldwide as a leading figure in the climate protection group Fridays for Future, was taking part in the action in the Saxon city. The demonstration went off without incident. There was also a small solidarity campaign for Israel in her area. According to the newspaper, Thunberg criticized Israel’s actions in the Gaza war in her speech.

Thunberg and other members of the Swedish branch of the climate protection group Fridays for Future accused Israel of genocide in the Gaza Strip in December. At the same time, the group condemned anti-Semitic and Islamophobic incidents in Sweden.


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