"Legend of Wacken" on RTL+: This series tells how the world’s largest metal festival came about in the northern German pampas

In 1989 in the Schleswig-Holstein province, two friends had an idea that went around the world: the series “Legend of Wacken” tells of the origin of the famous heavy metal festival – with well-known actors.

How could it happen that the world’s largest heavy metal festival came about in a tranquil Schleswig-Holstein community? The series “Legend of Wacken” (RTL+ and RTL Nitro) tells in six episodes how two teenagers, Thomas Jensen and Holger Hübner, set up a small festival in the late 80s out of boredom and passion for their music getting bigger over the years. Actors such as Charly Hübner, Aurel Manthei, Marc Hosemann and Detlev Buck provide North German flair.

All six episodes will be available on RTL+ from Friday, July 7th. “Legend of Wacken” celebrates its free TV premiere on Wednesday, July 12th and Thursday, July 13th on NITRO. The station shows three episodes from 8:15 p.m.

Editor’s note: The star is part of RTL Germany.

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