Legal alliance in Italy: Meloni proposed as head of government

Status: 10/21/2022 12:31 p.m

The legal alliance in Italy has officially proposed Giorgia Meloni as prime minister. In the course of the day, the winner of the election is expected to receive the order to form a government.

By Jörg Seisselberg, ARD Studio Rome

In Italy, the legal alliance has officially proposed Giorgia Meloni as the next prime minister. The winner of the election announced this herself at the end of the talks with President Sergio Mattarella.

They are ready, said Giorgia Meloni on behalf of the legal alliance after the meeting with the President. Mattarella’s conversation lasted just over ten minutes, then Meloni presented himself to the media – alongside her allies Matteo Salvini and Silvio Berlusconi.

“The new Meloni government could be sworn in the day after tomorrow,” Rüdiger Kronthaler, ARD Rome, on the formation of a government in Italy

tagesschau24 12:00 p.m., 21.10.2022

She was nominated to the centre-right president as a proposal for the post of head of government, said the leader of the Italian Brothers party. It is certain that Meloni will receive the order to form a government from Mattarella later in the day.

The conversation between President Sergio Mattarella and election winner Giorgia Meloni lasted only about ten minutes.

Image: via REUTERS

Quick conversation as a sign of great unity in the alliance

The media in Italy see the eleven minutes spent with the President as a signal of great unity in the legal alliance and as a sign that Mattarella will not put any obstacles in the way of the election winner Meloni and her cabinet.

Forming a government just 26 days after the election would be extraordinarily quick. On average, the process of finding a government in Italy takes more than two months. The right-wing alliance led by Meloni received a clear majority in the September 25 election.

Legal alliance officially proposes Meloni as head of government

Jörg Seisselberg, ARD Rome, October 21, 2022 12:35 p.m

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