: Left criticizes budget draft as anti-social

The Left criticizes the draft budget as anti-social

Left party leader Janine Wissler is not a fan of the federal budget for the current year (archive photo). photo

© Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/dpa

The Budget Committee has approved the draft budget for 2024. There is a lot of criticism from Left party leader Janine Wissler: the draft is anti-social and unfair.

The Left has sharply criticized the federal budget for the current year. “It is an anti-social and unfair budget cuts without foresight,” said the Left party leader Janine Wissler of the dpa in Berlin. Among other things, Wissler named sanctions for those receiving basic income, criticized the lack of climate money to compensate for the higher CO2 price and complained about cuts in humanitarian aid and climate protection.

The budget committee decided on the draft budget for 2024 in the so-called adjustment meeting. The budget provides for expenditure of around 476.8 billion euros and new loans of around 39 billion. The debt brake is intended to be adhered to again after years of exceptions. The Bundestag and Bundesrat are due to make a final decision on the 2024 budget at the beginning of February.

“The traffic light coalition further contributes to exacerbating social tensions by directing the discourse towards citizens’ benefit recipients and refugees in order to distract from their own failed policies,” criticized Wissler. She complained that the super-rich are not burdened more heavily and the refusal to suspend the debt brake. “Overall, this is a clear attack on all people with small and average wallets, while corporations continue to profit with obscene profits,” said the Left party leader.


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