“Le Suppléant” makes a dazzling start in bookstores

Prince Harry’s memoir, with very harsh revelations for the British monarchy, got off to a flying start with more than 1.4 million copies sold in English on the first day and already a new print run in France, the publishers said on Thursday.

According to Penguin Random House, Spare (The Substitutet in French), these sales in the United Kingdom, United States and Canada, in all formats and in all forms (digital, audio, etc.), are unprecedented for an essay published by this publishing giant . The latter did not give figures for the other 15 languages ​​in which the book was published.

A new print run of 130,000 copies

The French edition, which had been launched with a circulation of 210,000 copies, is the subject of a new circulation of 130,000 additional copies, indicated the Fayard editions. The publisher reports a demand from booksellers about 20% higher than that of the first volume of Barack Obama’s presidential memoirs in 2020, A promised land.

Despite the book’s strong sales, the prince’s popularity has waned in the UK, where he is often portrayed as a spoiled brat who wants the perks of royalty without the inconvenience. Only 24% of Britons have a favorable opinion of the Duke of Sussex, according to a new YouGov study carried out after the memoir was released. With his wife Meghan, they are now even more unpopular than Prince Andrew, brother of Charles III dismissed from the monarchy after a sex scandal.

Only 21% of Britons think Harry’s main motivation is to tell his side of his story, as he claims, while 41% think it’s the money.

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