Law enforcement cyber agents will be trained at Euratechnologies

The internet police arrive in Lille. The Ministry of the Interior will now train its cyber agents in a brand new center, installed in the premises of Euratechnologies, in Lille, in the North. This new tool to fight against cybercrime should come into service later this year.

The case had been acquired since last March, it remained for the Minister of the Interior to confirm to the President of the European Metropolis of Lille (MEL) that his National Cyber ​​Training Center (CNF-Cyber) would settle in with him. This confirmation arrived on Tuesday. “The CNF-Cyber ​​will be installed in the Euratechnologies ecosystem: enough to strengthen its position as the leading European incubator and participate in the dynamics of EuraCampusCyber”, welcomes the MEL.

For law enforcement and “external audiences”

This establishment in Lille comes within the framework of the “future law of orientation and programming of the Ministry of the Interior (LOPMI)”, we specify in the Metropolis. Concretely, the CNF-Cyber ​​will take place in the premises of Wenov for an amount of 7.8 million euros, half of which is financed by the MEL.

Inside, there will be 200 trainees, police, gendarmes and customs officers, who will eventually be welcomed in order to be trained in cybersecurity. The MEL specifies that people outside the Ministry of the Interior will also be able to follow training there. This tool will also be used to incubate projects of the Ministry of the Interior and will be a sort of showcase for attracting new talent.

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