Lauterbach promises help: up to eight billion euros for clinics

Status: 02.11.2022 07:41 a.m

Federal Health Minister Lauterbach has promised hospitals billions in support. This is intended to relieve the hospitals against the background of increased energy prices.

In view of the high inflation and the sharp rise in energy costs, the federal government wants to make up to eight billion euros available to hospitals. This is what it says in a draft resolution from the Chancellery for today’s Prime Ministers’ Conference. The paper suits him ARD Capital Studio before. The money is supposed to come to the so-called Economic Stabilization Fund.

There is talk of a hardship regulation that should apply to hospitals. No hospital will have a problem because it can no longer pay for electricity or gas, said Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach ZDF.

Lauterbach: No hospital should suffer from a crisis

Lauterbach did not give any further details as to what the financial aid that has now been announced should look like. “We worked on it over the weekend and we have a solution,” he said only on the “Markus Lanz” program.

The hospitals would also be protected by the planned gas price brake and the electricity price brake, explained Lauterbach – “but not only”. “So that we can ensure that the hospitals don’t run into liquidity problems as a result of inflation, electricity and gas prices.” There was good cooperation with Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) and Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens).

Hospitals warn of bankruptcies

The economic stabilization fund has been equipped with up to 200 billion euros – this debt-financed “defense shield” is intended to cushion the consequences of high energy prices for consumers and companies. The planned gas price brake should also be financed from this.

The German Hospital Society (DKG) had repeatedly warned of the consequences of the dramatic increase in energy prices for the clinics and called for a rapid adjustment to inflation. Otherwise, a “winter of hospital insolvencies” threatens. CEO Gerald Gaß renewed the call for support with a view to today’s deliberations between the state heads of government and Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). The prime ministers’ conference must “bring reliability and clarity,” said Gass of the “Rheinische Post”.

Lauterbach announces billions in inflation aid for hospitals

Oliver Neuroth, ARD Berlin, November 2, 2022 6:45 a.m

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