Launching goes wrong: warship crashes into tugs

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Dramatic moment when launched: warship almost sinks a tugboat. It was supposed to be a historic moment for the US Navy. The newly christened USS Cleveland LCS 31 is launched, but then this happens… MARINETTE COUNTY, WI SHERIFF RANDY MILLER filmed the launch and posted it live on Facebook. As the tugboat pulls the warship into the water, the Cleveland picks up speed, thanks to gravity the warship accelerates and seems to give the tugboat a crash. A huge tidal wave pours over the crew of the tugboat. Experts disagree as to whether there was a collision. The Navy is silent. Side launches are a common method of launching ships. With the help of gravity, the ship slips broadside into the water, often supported by a small tugboat. Incidentally, the side splashdown of the USS Cleveland was the last of its kind for the US Navy. All future ships will be launched using a ship jack system, according to the US Department of Defense.

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