Lateral thinker scene: How it has changed since 2020

The posters are back. Some costumes. Thousands of lateral thinkers are once again gathering on the streets and squares of major German cities. What are you asking for today?

It is 2:20 p.m. when lateral thinker lawyer Ralf Ludwig climbs onto the stage in front of the Reichstag building. “So, normally I keep my speeches free, now I have a piece of paper in my hand.” What he is holding in his hand is a letter from the man who founded lateral thinking and is now in custody: Michael Ballweg. The reason: suspicion of fraud and money laundering of more than one million euros from lateral thinker donations. Ballweg sees himself as a political prisoner and compares himself to the 1968 leader Rudi Dutschke. “The similarities are amazing,” writes Ballweg. Dutschke was never in prison – but the crowd clapped and cheered.

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