Latecomers have until Tuesday evening to make their declaration

Tuesday June 8 is the last day to file your 2020 income tax return – Free-Photos / Pixabay

Notice to champions of procrastination, last-minute lovers and members of the “Tomorrow, promised” movement: You have until June 8 (this Tuesday) to file your 2021 tax return.

The deadline has already passed since May 20 for those who had the exemption to make their declaration on paper, since May 26 for the inhabitants of zone 1 (departments from 01 to 19) as well as non-residents and since the 1st June for people living in zone 2 (departments ranging from 20 to 54). The deadline for this Tuesday concerns the lucky ones in zone 3 (departments from 55 to 976).

Penalties for black belt procrastiners

They will have to declare on the site impots.gouv their income for the year 2020. As a reminder, the implementation of the withholding tax does not exempt from this process which remains mandatory for all at the risk of exposing himself to the applicable late penalties of the tax authorities. An increase of 10% of your taxes likely to increase without reaction on your part (level reserved for black belt procrastiners).

Their relatives who despair one day to see these eternal latecomers (yes, they are always the same), carrying out this kind of steps in time will hate us for this last info: you have until midnight Tuesday to make your declaration. tax 2021.

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