‘Last Generation’ supporters attack Monet paintings at the Barberini Museum

Museum Barberini in Potsdam

‘Last Generation’ supporters attack Monet paintings

Sun 10/23/22 | 8:33 p.m. | Of Georg-Stefan Russew and Vanessa Witzki

dpa/p. stick

Video: rbb24 Brandenburg current | 10/23/2022 | Friedrich Herkt | Picture: dpa/p. stick

Monet’s painting “Meules” was auctioned for more than 110 million dollars and has been hanging in the Barberini Museum in Potsdam ever since. On Sunday it was attacked by two representatives of the group “Last Generation” – with mashed potatoes. From G.-S. Russev and V. Witzki

“Last Generation” speaks of an attack with mashed potatoes

Image remains undamaged

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