“Last generation”: climate protectors demonstrate in front of the Chancellery

«last generation»
Climate protectors demonstrate in front of the Chancellery

Climate protection activists from the “Last Generation” group are digging for “oil” in front of the Chancellery. They had previously spilled an oil-like substance in front of the Chancellery. Photo: Paul Zinken/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Several climate protectors disguised as Chancellors demonstrated against oil drilling in front of the Chancellery – until the police stopped the action.

Climate protectors demonstrated in front of the Federal Chancellery on Saturday. A police spokeswoman said about ten people dumped black paint on a meadow. The group “Last Generation” explained that several people disguised as Chancellor Olaf Scholz had torn up the earth with spades and immediately encountered “large amounts of fossil oil”. They were then “taken away in handcuffs”.

The police spokeswoman did not confirm arrests for the time being. A dpa reporter on site observed that the officials initially persuaded the demonstrators to stop digging in the meadow. When the activists didn’t stop, the police stepped in, grabbing six people dressed as Scholz and dragging them to the ground.

The “last generation” has been blocking sections of the Autobahn in Berlin every day for weeks to urge the federal government to do more climate protection. Specifically, she demands a statement from Scholz that there will be no new oil drilling in the North Sea. In the action in front of the chancellery, the black color was apparently intended to symbolize oil.


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