Last dialogue for fishing, parliamentary ping-pong on the sanitary pass and the draw of PSG

Did you miss the early morning news? We have concocted a recap to help you see more clearly.

Will the United Kingdom and France find an agreement at the last minute? In the midst of the fishing crisis, this is indeed the last chance dialogue on Thursday. British Secretary of State for Brexit David Frost will meet with French Secretary of State for European Affairs Clément Beaune in Paris. The place of the meeting was not communicated, the entourage of Clément Beaune specifying that it would take place outside the media. Above all, if an agreement is not reached, France threatens to ban British fishing vessels from unloading their cargoes in French ports and to tighten customs controls on all trucks. Diplomacy therefore has work to avoid the execution of sanctions.

The ping-pong game continues between parliamentarians. The National Assembly voted on the night of Wednesday to Thursday the bill of “health vigilance”, restoring in particular the possibility of using the health pass until July 31, 2022, a date that the Senate had reduced to February 28. The text, approved by 147 votes to 125 and two abstentions, is thus restored in the direction desired by the government. The game is not over, however: after this meeting at the Palais-Bourbon, the senators will again work on the project during the day of this Thursday. Finally, the National Assembly must have the last word on Friday during a final reading.

Even if the capital club has, fortunately, not been beaten, PSG can not be satisfied with its performance Wednesday night in the Champions League. Braked in Leipzig (2-2), the Parisians missed the opportunity to immediately take a ticket for the round of 16 of the competition. The bad news does not stop there: on the field, the club has still not shown certainties in its game and on paper, PSG has abandoned, with a total of 8 points, the head of its hen in Manchester City. A very bad Wednesday then.

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