Laschet’s crash: CDU and CSU the day after the election – politics

The Union has not only lost the elderly and the middle class, but also its self-confidence. On the morning after the election, it becomes increasingly clear what a desolate state the CDU is in.


Roman Deininger, Andreas Glas, Boris Herrmann and Robert Roßmann, Berlin / Munich

A large banner with four oversized heads hangs on the facade of the Konrad-Adenauer-Haus even the day after. From left to right you can see: Konrad Adenauer, Helmut Kohl, Angela Merkel and: Armin Laschet. It’s a very strange series. Three of these people ruled the country from the Chancellery for a total of 46 years. The man on the far right, on the other hand, still dreams of ever being able to move in there. And at least since the Federal Returning Officer announced the results of the federal election early on Monday morning, we have also known that this is about bold dream fields. But Laschet would not be Laschet if, as a precaution, he had his picture from the ancestral gallery torn from the facade. He is clearly determined to fight for his place in history.

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