Larcher judges Macron’s choice of dissolution “brutal” and “improvised”

Gérard Larcher cannot digest at all Emmanuel Macron’s choice to dissolve the National Assembly on the evening of the European elections. During a public meeting in Paris on Tuesday, he wanted to make it known how badly he felt about this decision but also about the related consequences.

By trying to defend “another path” for the Republicans between “the extremes” and the macronie, the President of the Senate explained that he feared “a structural regime crisis in the months to come” after the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7 .

Larcher notes “a major political crisis”

Coming to support his right arm and close advisor Patrick Dray, candidate in a historic bastion of the Parisian right who will join the presidential camp in 2022, Gérard Larcher noted “a major political crisis”. He also described the dissolution decided by the President of the Republic as a “brutal choice”, “rushed and improvised”. He further specified that he learned of this decision “by telephone”, “in a minute and a half”, less than an hour from the Head of State’s announcement from the Elysée.

Supporter of an “autonomous” line for LR despite Éric Ciotti’s alliance with the National Rally, Gérard Larcher assured that he “refuses the divide” established by Emmanuel Macron, who “persists in locking himself in in a duel with the extremes” and whose “vertical, distant and condescending attitude” he criticizes. He also attacked the New Popular Front, “an opportunist front of shame, with communitarian clientelism”, but also the RN, with which he “refuses any compromise”.

“I finally refuse association with the presidential majority, we are not dependent on its policy. (…) Emmanuel Macron is wrong to assert that the result of the legislative elections will be “no one’s fault”. It will first be his fault, he will not be able to escape his responsibility forever,” he added, pleading for “another path between this Macronian immobility and the extremes which will bring chaos to the Assembly and dismiss the French back to back “.


The historic branch of the Republicans has nominated 400 candidates throughout France and particularly in Paris, where there are no outgoing deputies.

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