Lakes in Munich: Cloudy pools in the West Park – Munich

The two lakes in the garden landscape in Westpark are idyllic. However, only at first glance. Because on closer inspection, Westsee and Mollsee are fairly murky pools, although they are fed by groundwater. Silting, algae and the legacies of the many birds affect the water quality. A biological cleaning system has not changed that; their operation has been discontinued after unsuccessful use.

However, local politicians and many park visitors want efforts to improve water quality to continue. “For visual reasons, a general renovation would be indicated,” says Günter Keller, chairman of the Sendling-Westpark district committee. In addition, it must be prevented that germs form in the water.

The city government is aware of the problems with the West Park Lakes, “an important design element of the park”. However, the building department and health department see no reason for alarmism. According to a letter to the district committee, especially in the hot summers of recent years, the water in shallow waters was often cloudy. So nothing unusual.

Mud and algae are regularly removed

Since there is a general ban on bathing in the Westpark, there are no microbiological test results on the water quality of the Westpark lakes, the health department also reports. Nevertheless, “a health hazard cannot be derived from the existing circumstances”.

At the same time, the administration refers to measures that are regularly taken in Westpark. The mud is removed “at intervals of several years” and the riparian zones are freed from algae growth every year. The building department writes that it is regrettable that the biological sewage treatment plant did not work as hoped, despite scientific support from the Technical University of Munich and regular maintenance. A requested dismantling is therefore in order. The plant was designed to improve water quality by aerating and circulating the water.

The 69-hectare Westpark, one of the city’s most-visited green spaces, is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year with a whole series of events. It was opened for the 1983 International Horticultural Exhibition. The district committee finds it regrettable that the two lakes are giving a dull picture on the anniversary of all things.

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