Lake Constance: Germans survive the crash with a small helicopter

Germans survive helicopter crash in Lake Constance

Two Germans crashed in a small helicopter over Lake Constance (symbol image)

© / Imago Images

Two Germans who took off in a small helicopter on Sunday fell into Lake Constance. The occupants were unharmed.

An autogyro – a small, two-seat aircraft – flew into the United States on Sunday Lake Constance collapsed in Austria. The two occupants were unharmed in the accident in the afternoon, as a police spokesman for the Austrian news agency APA said.

Helicopter sank to the bottom of Lake Constance

The casualties come from Germany. They were rescued by private boats. It was initially unclear where exactly they came from. The small helicopter took off from Friedrichshafen and crashed into the lake in Hard – in front of the mouth of the Bregenz Ach. After the occupants climbed out of the aircraft, it sank. The autogyro is now about 35 meters deep and should be recovered soon, according to the Vorarlberg State Police Headquarters.

Take a look in the gallery: A lot is in flux at Lake Constance. It goes without saying that people move across national borders here. The mountains are near, the towns are pretty. There are many reasons to travel to the Deep South. Especially in spring.


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