Lagging behind in waste management, the metropolis ensures progress

The metropolis of Nice is lagging behind on the question of waste? While the national trend is down according to Ademe figuresthe local production of household waste increased by 1.2% between 2015 and 2019 according to a report of the regional chamber of accounts of Paca.

In 2018, each inhabitant left behind 394 kg of household waste compared to an average of 334 kg in France. At the same time, only 35 kg of household packaging and glass were recycled compared to 55 kg nationally. Pierre-Paul Léonelli, the vice-president of the community delegated to the collection, the valorization of waste and the cleanliness recognizes that there are “still margins of progress” but assures that “improvements” are in progress. Already on 2022.

Results “distorted” by tourists

The regional chamber of accounts noted that “the trajectory led by the Nice metropolis” is “opposite to that provided for by the aforementioned law of August 17, 2015 which imposes a 10% reduction in household and similar waste produced between 2010 and 2020”. The recycling of household packaging and glass is also “far below the national performance”.

In defense, the Nice metropolis ensures that 33% of additional packaging has been collected in defense since 2018. Pierre-Paul Léonelli adds: “We have four million people who come in the summer period and this data has not been integrated. If we had a unification of sorting instructions, perhaps there would be no such findings? Me, in any case, I can assure that the people of Nice produce 315 kg of waste per year per inhabitant. And that this quantity is reduced each year. »

To support his point, the cleanliness and collection delegate uses the example of the Ariane waste plant: “In 1978, when the plant was built, it was designed for a capacity of 380,000 tons. In 2022, we have the same tonnage while we have gone from 300,000 inhabitants to more than 600,000 inhabitants, because today it is not only about Nice, but about the 51 municipalities of the metropolis, the territory from west and east. It proves that we produce less waste. »

The organization also recognizes that the “strong tourist activity” of the territory “degrades the ratios of waste production and affects their comparability at the national level”.

Better valuation

According to Pierre-Paul Léonelli, the amount of waste has therefore decreased in recent years, thanks to a policy that has been in place for years. “We have doubled the collection of the recycling bin since June 2019, we have made sure that this bin can collect all the packaging such as pizza boxes, yogurt pots and we give away this yellow container for free. Measures to ensure that the amount of waste in household waste is reduced. »

The regional chamber of accounts continues its report by indicating that the recovery of waste “is 20% higher than the national average and is more oriented towards energy recovery while priority must be given to material recovery”. The objective is 55% in 2020 and 65% in 2025, the community was at 33% in 2019.

The deputy mayor replies: “More than 95% of the waste is recycled. We have two solutions in relation to our territory, either it is the incineration plant, or energy recovery (done for 60% of the waste), so effectively, we have chosen this path even if we move away from the material recovery recommended by the government. Moreover, we do not refrain from moving towards methanation to achieve total autonomy in terms of energy. »

“Facilitate the actions of citizens”

Beyond energy recovery, the elected official cites other initiatives to reduce the amount of waste such as the Moulins recycling center, which makes it possible to repair everyday objects instead of throwing them away. Two others will soon be inaugurated, one at the Ariane and another in the city center, in the pipeline.

“We are also pushing to use compost to reduce even more what we throw in the trash. We have already installed several at the bottom of buildings, such as in the Saint-Roch district. In general, we have a lot of actions. We raise awareness in schools, we encourage citizen initiatives like Nice Plogging, we have sorting ambassadors. There are collections six days a week, two for sorting, we go door to door for bulky items, free of charge, we have 13 free recycling centers and the household waste tax set at 8.46 euros, one of the cheapest nationally. And all that, without a day of strike”, he says proudly.

Its goal is to “facilitate the actions of citizens” to “urge them to act”. He then concludes that for the next report of the regional chamber of accounts, the institution will only be able “to note the progress of the Nice Côte d’Azur metropolis” which will appear “in the best students” on the subject of waste management.

The elected official also recalls that the regional chamber of accounts finally made “only one recommendation”, which is to “define a methodology and stable financial indicators making it possible to ensure monitoring from one exercise to another in annual reports on prices and quality of service”. “That’s all we were asked and it’s been settled since we created an additional budget in 2018 with a financial study office to support us and respond to this problem,” he says. .

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