Lafontaine no longer runs for the state parliament

For years the dispute between the camps around Thomas Lutze and Oskar Lafontaine has been simmering in the Saar-Left. Lutze moved back into the Bundestag for the left in the Bundestag election – that is apparently too much for Oskar Lafontaine.

The chairman of the left faction in the Saarland state parliament will no longer run for the party in the next state election: “Since I do not want to help unsuitable candidates to get mandates, the requirements for my renewed candidacy for the Saarland state parliament are no longer met,” he wrote in a press release.

It was not possible in Saarland to properly handle the party work. The fraud process within the Saar-Linke continues and under these circumstances he is no longer willing to support it, said Lafontaine.

Lafontaine no longer runs for the state parliament

Video [, (c) SR, 27.09.2021, Länge: 00:46 Min.]

Lafontaine no longer runs for the state parliament

Group consults next Monday

The parliamentary group will decide next Monday on the further continuation of the group’s work. However, when asked, Lafontaine ruled out resigning as parliamentary group leader or even leaving the party.

Before the general election, Oskar Lafontaine advised against voting for the Left.

Lafontaine also expressed criticism of the left’s course on Monday. The drop to 4.9 percent of the vote has been apparent for years.

Adopting “green policy content”, such as open borders, climate protection and the emphasis on minority issues, has resulted in a loss of confidence among employees and pensioners – and also for a continued strong AfD.

The SR radio news reported on this topic on September 27th, 2021.

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